
In: Biology

Bio One sentence answers would suffice All about lipids  Be able to list all hydrophobic...


One sentence answers would suffice

All about lipids

 Be able to list all hydrophobic macromolecules, 6 classes – fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, Glycolipids, steroids, Terpenes, saturated, unsaturated, R groups in phosphoglycerides – serine, ethanolamine, choline, inositol, sphingolipids, sphingosine, cholesterol, steroid hormones, isoprene  Understand the structure and function of triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol.  Know what are saturated, unsaturated and trans fats  Explain how fats function as energy-storage molecules.  Apply knowledge of the structure of phospholipids to the formation of membranes.


Expert Solution

1. phospholipids - phosphoglycerides – serine, ethanolamine, choline, inositol.

2. sphingolipids - sphingosine

3. fatty acids - saturated, unsaturated, Terpenes

4. Glycolipids

5. triglycerides

6. steroids - steroid hormones, cholesterol, isoprene

2. Triglycerides are ester of glyceol with fatty acids. The fats and oils are examples of this.
Function - Fats is the most abundant source of fuel reserves of animals.

Phospholipids - This is a complex lipids contains phosphoric acid in addition to fatty acids, nitrogenous base and alcohol.
Function - Present in the cell membrane and regulate the fluditity of the membrane

Cholestrol - It has a cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring. It consists of a phenenthrene nucleus rings A, B, C to cyclopentane ring D is attached. Addition to this it has 8 carbon molecules attac to the D ring.
Function - Insulating cover in the nervous tissue due to poor conductor of heat and electricity.

Saturated fatty acid - DONOT CONTAIN double bonds

UnSaturated fatty acid - CONTAINs double bonds
Trans fat - partially hydrogenated oil

Fat is stored in the body by adipocytes.When enrgy needed for the cells it under goes fatty acid oxidation to release the energy in the form of ATP.

Phospholids has phosphoric acid -ve charge hydrophilic present in the outer layer and lipids is a hydrophobic it is present inner most leaflet to avoid react with water. This arrangement leads to form phospholid bilayer.

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