In: Computer Science
Someone says "All roads lead to Rome"! Given a directed graph Q (you can assume that Q has no self-loops), define a Rome node RN to be a node m in Q such that: there is an edge from x to m for every node x != m in Q and m has no outgoing edges.
n is the number of nodes in our graph Q, assume that the graph structure is stored in an adjacency matrix.
what is a O(n) or O(n^2) algorithm for finding whether or not Q has a Rome node N? Explain why this algorithm has complexity that it does.
What other info is needed? This is all that is provided
As directly stated in the question : m is a Rome Node iff there is an edge from x to m for every node x != m in Q and m has no outgoing edges.
We can use the above condition to check all possible Nodes and see if the fill up the criterion of a Rome Node or not. Let the abobe requirements be broken into 2 conditions.
Condition 1 : All nodes i (except m) has a directed edge to m.
Condition 2 : There are no directed edge coming out of m.
Since , we are given the Graph Q in the form of an adjacency matrix , a simple row and column check algorithm for all possible nodes would suffice the need.
Property of an Adjacency Matrix : -
A[i][j] = 1 => Edge from i to j.
A[i][j] = 0 => No Edge from i to j.
Using the above 2 conditions and the Property of Adjacency matrix , the checking can be done in the following manner.
Satisfying Condition 1 : A Node m satisfies condition 1 when
A[1][m] = A[2][m] = A[3][m] = ..... =A[m-1][m] = A[m+1][m] = ........=A[N-1][m] = A[N][m] = 1
Satisfying Condition 2 : A Node m satisfies condition 2 when
A[m][1] = A[m][2] = A[m][3] = ..... = ........=A[m][N-1] = A[m][N] = 0
Using the above 2 condition satisfactions , this can be applied on each node starting from 1 to N , and return the solution when any such Node is found.
Here is the pseudocode for the same.
Input - Graph Q , Adj. Matrix A[N][N]
function findRomeNode()
/* Initialise with -1 when No such Nodes exist */
int node = -1;
/* Traverse through each currentNode from 1 to N */
for(int currNode : 1 to N)
begin for
/* Initialise Sum of Condn1 and Condn2 as 0 */
int sum1 = 0 , sum2 = 0
/* Traverse the currentNode column and check if there are N-1 edges incoming*/
for(int i : 1 to N)
begin for
sum1 = sum1 + Adj[i][currNode];
end for
/* Traverse the currentNode row and check if there are 0 edges outgoing*/
for(int i : 1 to N)
begin for
sum2 = sum2 + Adj[currNode][i];
end for
/* Return the answer if both the cond1 and condn 2 are satisfied */
if(sum1 equals N-1 AND sum2 equals 0)
begin if
return currNode;
end if
end for
/* When no such node exist */
return node;
end function
The above algorithm has a O(N2) time complexity . The complexity is like this because in the worst case when no solution exists , we traversed 1 entire row and 1 entire column for each node.
Traversing 1 entire row and 1 entire column = 2N operations.
This was done for all N Nodes , hence 2N*N = 2N2 operations.
Therefore, the time complexity is O(N2)