In: Computer Science
Assume the input graph is directed but may or may not have cycle in it, that is, may or may not be a directed acyclic graph. Consider the recursive topological sorting algorithm shown below. TopologicalSort(G) { If G has only one node v then return v. Find a node v with no incoming edge and remove v from G. Return v followed by the order returned by TopologicalSort(G). }
(a) Extend the recursive algorithm shown below so it can detect and output a cycle if the input graph G is not a directed acyclic graph. Clearly mark the extended part of the algorithm and state your reasoning behind the extension made.
(a) We notice that at any instant , if there does not exist any node v such that there is no incoming edge to v then we have a cycle in the graph. Thus, a topological sorting of the graph doesn't exist in such a case.
We maintain an adjacency list for the Directed graph, InAdj
In InAdj , for each vertex u,we maintain all vertices v such that there is an incoming edge from v to u
We maintain a global list topoList which contains the nodes sorted in topological order .
We write the pseudo Code for recursive Topo sort below
Main(G) : // G is the input directed graph
1. Initialize InAdj
2. topoList = { }
3. val = RecurTopoSort // if val = 0 then there is cycle in the graph else graph's a DAG
4. if (val == 0)
5. print
"There is cycle in the directed graph"
6. else
7. for
each vertex v
topoList //
print vertex v in order which they appear in
8. print
1. isNodeExists = false
2. if (InAdj is empty) // if Adjacency list is empty
3. return 1 //
1 is returned when no cycle is encountered in graph G
4. for each vertex
u InAdj
5. if
( InAdj[u] is empty) // there exists a node
u with no incoming edge
isNodeExists = true
7. Remove the
node u from the all the entries in InAdj
8. break
9. if (isNodeExists == true)
11. return
12. else
13. return