
In: Economics

Article- Disney Takes A Gamble On Price Elasticity With Mulan In Unit 7, we talked about...

Article- Disney Takes A Gamble On Price Elasticity With Mulan

In Unit 7, we talked about firms’ ability to set price depending on the price elasticity of demand, which in turn can be influenced by a number of factors such as availability of substitutes, consumers’ tastes and preferences, and so on.

You might have heard about Disney’s recent release of Mulan on its streaming platform Disney+.

Post 1. What are the justifications for Disney to set the price for streaming of the movie at $30 on top of the Disney+ subscription fee $7? Explain in 50-100 words.

Post 2. Do you think the price elasticity of demand for Mulan is elastic or inelastic? Discuss in 100-150 word


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The explanation of the above question mentioned in below image

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