There is a saying “Produce more to
export, export more to produce”. This indirectly means export
normally always plays lesser important role than selling in
domestic market. There are situations when one is compelled to
export, and they are:
- Overcapacity in production resulting in domestic market not
able to absorb full production. This triggers the need for export
for a company in order not to keep its production capacity
- When there is capacity which is not fully utilized, the firm
normally goes ahead and export creating the extra production volume
which fulfils the capacity utilization. Fulfilment of capacity
utilization results in economies of scale which in turn reduces
cost of production and benefits the company as a whole
However following are the usual pitfalls / disadvantages of
export :
- Lower price realisation in export market vis a vis domestic
- Potential threat of antidumping duty from importing countries
creating disruption in exporting activities
- Exports can create shortage in domestic market which may turn
out to be socially unacceptable outcome. For example , exports of
essential agricultural products from developing / underdeveloped
nation may create food scarcity in domestic market including price
escalation of such agricultural commodities.