
In: Computer Science

Lab-3C   Pre-test Loop Write a MIPS program to count the number of students who failed in...

Lab-3C   Pre-test Loop

Write a MIPS program to count the number of students who failed in a course. The final grades are given in an array. The fail grade is 60.

Example: Array and Output


NoOfStudents: 10

Values:   60 70 80 50 90 80 55 90 80 70


2 students failed


NoOfStudents: 12

Values:   60 70 80 50 90 80 55 90 80 70 55 80


3 students failed


Expert Solution

Given below is the code for the question. Please do rate the answer if it helped. Thank you.

numStudents: .word 12
grades: .word 60 70 80 50 90 80 55 90 80 70 55 80
msg: .asciiz " students failed"

   lw $t0, numStudents #read the size
   li $t1, 0 #initialize loop counter
   la $t2, grades #get address of first array element
   li $t3, 0 #no. of student who failed
   bge $t1, $t0, endloop
   lw $t4, ($t2) #read the current number
   bge $t4, 60, next #not fail student
   add $t3, $t3, 1
   add $t1, $t1, 1 #increment loop counter
   add $t2, $t2, 4 #next element address
   b loop

   #print results
   #print int
   move $a0, $t3
   li $v0, 1

   #print string
   li $v0, 4
   la $a0, msg
   li $v0, 10


3 students failed
-- program is finished running --

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