
In: Computer Science

Use MIPS write an assembly program which asks the user to enter 3 number. The program...

Use MIPS write an assembly program which asks the user to enter 3 number. The program
then sorts these numbers, the prints them from largest to smallest.


Expert Solution

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Code to Copy:

# Declare the required

# variables.


    prompt1: .asciiz "Enter the first number: "

    prompt2: .asciiz "Enter the second number: "

    prompt3: .asciiz "Enter the third number: "

    msg: .asciiz "\nThe numbers in sorted order are as follows:\n"

    sp: .asciiz " "


.globl main


   # Prompt the user to

   # enter the first number.

   la $a0,prompt1                     

li $v0,4



   # Read the number.

   li $v0,5                    



   # Store the number in

   # the register t1.

   move $t1,$v0


   # Prompt the user to

   # enter the second number.

   la $a0,prompt2                 

   li $v0,4



   # Read the number.

   li $v0,5



   # Store the number

   # in the register t2.

   move $t2,$v0


   # Prompt the user to

   # enter the third number.

   li $v0, 4

   la $a0, prompt3



   # Read the number.

   li $v0,5



   # Store the number

   # in the register t3.

   move $t3, $v0


   # If the first number is

   # greater than the

   # second, jump to label L1.

   bge $t1, $t2, L1


   # Otherwise, swap the

   # first and second number.

   move $t0, $t1

   move $t1, $t2

   move $t2, $t0




   # If the second number

   # is greater than the third,

   # jump to Label L2.

   bge $t2, $t3, L2


   # Otherwise, swap

   # the numbers.

   move $t0, $t2

   move $t2, $t3

   move $t3, $t0




   # If the first number is

   # still greater than

   # the second, jump to the

   # label result.

   bge $t1, $t2, result


   # Otherwise, swap

   # the numbers.

   move $t0, $t1

   move $t1, $t2

   move $t2, $t0




   # Now, the numbers are stored

   # in descending order in the

   # registers $t1, $t2, and $t3

   # respectively.


   # Display an

   # informative message.

   li $v0, 4

   la $a0, msg



   # Display the

   # number present

   # in register $t1.

   li $v0, 1

   la $a0, ($t1)



   # Print a space.

   li $v0, 4

   la $a0, sp



   # Display the

   # number present

   # in $t2.

   li $v0, 1

   la $a0, ($t2)



   # Print a space.

   li $v0, 4

   la $a0, sp



   # Display the number

   # present in $t3.

   li $v0, 1

   la $a0, ($t3)



   # End the program.

   li $v0, 10



   .end main

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