
In: Statistics and Probability

A psychologist wanted to know if students in her class were more likely to cheat if...

A psychologist wanted to know if students in her class were more likely to cheat if they were low achievers. She divided her 60 students into three groups (low, middle, and high) based on their mean course-testings score on the previous three tests. She then asked them to rate how likely they were to cheat on a course-testings if the opportunity presented itself with very limited chance for consequences. The students rated their desire to cheat on a scale ranging from 1-100, with lower numbers indicating less desire to cheat.

5. What would you conclude from this analysis? What would be your next steps, if this were your research project?

Achievement_Group Gender Cheat
1 0 20
1 0 40
1 0 49
1 0 50
1 0 51
1 0 51
1 0 52
1 0 53
1 0 58
1 1 42
1 1 48
1 1 48
1 1 52
1 1 55
1 1 55
1 1 56
1 1 59
1 1 67
1 1 80
1 1 79
2 0 19
2 0 25
2 0 20
2 0 29
2 0 24
2 0 32
2 0 25
2 0 27
2 0 30
2 0 55
2 1 40
2 1 25
2 1 27
2 1 35
2 1 42
2 1 30
2 1 30
2 1 34
2 1 40
2 0 27
3 0 60
3 0 65
3 0 69
3 0 78
3 0 79
3 0 80
3 0 80
3 0 90
3 0 95
3 0 50
3 1 55
3 1 55
3 1 60
3 1 69
3 1 70
3 1 70
3 1 88
3 1 90
3 1 90
3 1 91


Expert Solution

USING SPSS software.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Cheat
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 19597.452a 5 3919.490 28.572 .000
Intercept 165214.115 1 165214.115 1204.347 .000
Achievement_Group 18516.584 2 9258.292 67.489 .000
Gender 401.532 1 401.532 2.927 .093
Achievement_Group * Gender 355.916 2 177.958 1.297 .282
Error 7407.798 54 137.181
Total 193959.000 60
Corrected Total 27005.250 59

Achievement_Group: The P-value for the factor Achievement_Group is 0.000 and less than 0.05 level of significance. Hence, we can conclude that Achievement_Group has a significant effect on cheat.

Gender: The P-value for the factor Gender is 0.093 and greater than 0.05 level of significance. Hence, we can conclude that Gender does not have a significant effect on cheat.

Interaction of Achievement_Group * Gender: The P-value for the interaction of Achievement_Group and Gender is 0.282 and greater than 0.05 level of significance. Hence, we can conclude that there is no significant interaction effect on cheat.

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