
In: Biology

6) A stalked, sessile marine organism has several elongated feeding structures surrounding an opening where food...

6) A stalked, sessile marine organism has several elongated feeding structures surrounding an opening where food is ingested. This organism could potentially be a cnidarian, a tube-dwelling worm, a crustacean or an echinoderm, Finding which of the following in this organism would allow you to be certain of the organism’s identity?

A) radial symmetry

b) the presence of jointed limbs

c) a hard shell composed of calcium carbonate

D) a nervous system

7) a rhinocerous is chasing a shrew in full sunlight, and both overheat by the same amount above their normal body temperatures. When night falls and they rest, which animal will cool down faster?

A) the shrew will because it has the higher surface area/volume ratio

B) the rhinoceros will because it has the higher surface area/volume ratio

C) the rhinoceros will because it has the lower surface area/volume ratio

D) they will cool at the same rate because they overheated by the same amount.

8) A teacher wants to demonstrate that some invertebrates possess an open circulatory system. The teacher should dissect a

A) porifera

b) gastropod

C) polychaete

d) hagfish

9) bivalves in an aquarium with se stars, lobsters, and gastropods, started to die one by one; only the undamaged sheels remined. If the teacher used a disseting microscope to examine the intact external surfaces of the empty shells of the bivalves, the teacher would probably see marks left by

A) jaws

B) nematocysts

C) tube feet

D) radulae

10) Julie catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notice that attached to its flank is an equally long. Snakelike organism. The attached organism that has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth without a jaw, and two small eyes. Julie thinks it might be a marine polychaeta, a hagfish, or a lamprey. What feature excludes it from potentially being a polychaeta?

a) its lack of scales

B) its elongate shape

C) its closed circulatory system

d) its lack of external parapodia

11) if the snakelike organism turned out to be a hagfish, why should Email throw the ray-finned fish the caught overboard rather than making dinner from it?

A) it has mucous on its skin

B) the fish was probably sick or dying, otherwise the hagfish would not have attacked it

c) hagfish inject paralytic neurotoxins.

d) if it had an ectoparasite in must also have endoparasites.

12) you obseve a female burrowing mammal it has two tiny eyes that are difficult to see and seemingly covered by skin as well as enlarged front paws with enlarged claws for digging, what might you look for to distinguish whether it was a marsupial or eutherian mole?

A) a synapsid skull

B) a cleithrum

C) an external abdominal pouch

d) a dentary-squamosal type jaw point


Expert Solution

Q6) A stalked, sessile marine organism has several elongated feeding structures surrounding an opening where food is ingested. This organism could potentially be a cnidarian, a tube-dwelling worm, a crustacean or an echinoderm, Finding which of the following in this organism would allow you to be certain of the organism’s identity?

Answer- a- radial symmetry.

Explanation- The animal is a cnidarian, it has radial symmetry , Cnidarians feed by using the tentacles. they have stinging nematocysts in them they halp in capturing the prey. The nematocysts are springing barbs with small hairlike triggers that are activated when they come in contact with the prey.
Q7)  a rhinocerous is chasing a shrew in full sunlight, and both overheat by the same amount above their normal body temperatures. When night falls and they rest, which animal will cool down faster?

Answer-A) the shrew will because it has the higher surface area/volume ratio.

Explanation-The greater the surface area-to-volume ratio of an animal, the more heat it loses relative to its volume.  The larger the animal, the smaller will be the surface area-to-volume ratio and so there is less relative area to lose heat, so rhinoceros will loose heat latter but the shrew will loose earlier.

8) A teacher wants to demonstrate that some invertebrates possess an open circulatory system. The teacher should dissect a-

Answer- B- Gastropod.

Explanation- Gastropods show open circulatory system, only arthropods and mollusks ahow open circulatory system.

In polychaete closed circulstory sytem found, in Hagfish both open and closed virculatory system. In porifera an open circulatory sytem where it is open to sea, so best option to disect is gastropod.

9) Bivalves in an aquarium with sea stars, lobsters, and gastropods, started to die one by one; only the undamaged sheels remined. If the teacher used a disseting microscope to examine the intact external surfaces of the empty shells of the bivalves, the teacher would probably see marks left by.

Answer- A -Jaws.

Explanation- Lobsters has 3 pairs of jaws, they eat bivalves, so the impression of jaws found on the external surface of the empty shells of bivalves.

10) Julie catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notice that attached to its flank is an equally long. Snakelike organism. The attached organism that has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth without a jaw, and two small eyes. Julie thinks it might be a marine polychaeta, a hagfish, or a lamprey. What feature excludes it from potentially being a polychaeta?

Answer- d- its lack of external parapodia.

Explanation- Polychaetes have parapodia on their body surface but it is not found in case of hagfish or lamprey. polychaetes belong to phylum annelida. The animal attached to the fin ray fish was a hag fish,in hag fish there two small eye spots no typical eyes , but in lamprey eyes found.

11) if the snakelike organism turned out to be a hagfish, why should Email throw the ray-finned fish the caught overboard rather than making dinner from it?

Answer- A- it has mucous on its skin.

Explanation- Hag fish secretes mucous , they produce large amounts of sticky, fibrous slime from glands found along the sides of their bodies. soemili threw the fish.

12) you obseve a female burrowing mammal it has two tiny eyes that are difficult to see and seemingly covered by skin as well as enlarged front paws with enlarged claws for digging, what might you look for to distinguish whether it was a marsupial or eutherian mole?

Answer-C) an external abdominal pouch.

Explanation- The animal was kangaroo, In kangarooes the presence of abdominal pouch distinguishes it from eutherians.

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