
In: Electrical Engineering

Develop and test an Intel 8086 assembly program by emu8086 amd dont use any extirnall lib...

Develop and test an Intel 8086 assembly program by emu8086 amd dont use any extirnall lib , that reads two decimal numbers x and y. Your program
should display the result of their:
1) Addition: x+y
2) Subtraction: x-y
3) Multiplication: x*y
4) Division: x / y
 x and y are two-digit decimal numbers (i.e. 0-99).
 The program should display an error message if the value of y is zero, in the case of division.
 You can assume only positive numbers but you will get a bonus if your program can read and handle
negative numbers.
 You will get higher mark if your program accepts only two decimal digits (0-9) for each number and
print error message when the user tries to enter non-decimal digits (e.g. A-Z, or a-z, or any special
Your program output should be similar to the following examples:
Example1: (x>y)
Please enter two 2-digit decimal
X= 48
Y= 26
X + Y = 74
X – Y = 22
X * Y = 1248
X /Y = 1 with Remainder 22
Example2: (x<y)
Please enter two 2-digit decimal
X= 12
Y= 37
X + Y = 49
X – Y = -25
X * Y = 444
X /Y = 0 with Remainder 12
Example3: (y=0)
Please enter two 2-digit decimal
X= 56
Y= 00
X + Y = 56
X – Y = 56
X * Y = 00
X /Y = error overflow


Expert Solution

TITLE Add and Substact and Multiply and Division (




main PROC

szMenu db "Now what do you want to do with those 2 numbers?",12,09

db 'Add (A)',12,09

db 'Subtract (S)',12,09

db 'Divide (D)',12,0

db 'Multiply (M)',12,09

db 'Exit (E)',12,09

db 'Selection: ',0:12,09,0

myMenu db 'Welcome!',12,09

db 'Enter integer 1:',0

myInteger2 db 'Enter integer 2:',0;12,09,0

szInvalidMenu db 12, 09, "Invalid Menu Choice!", 12, 09, 0

myTotal db 'Total:',12,09,0


Input1 dd ?

Input2 dd ?

Total dd?



call Clrscr

move edx,offset myMenu

call WriteString


call Readlnt

test eax,eax

jz Start

mov Input1,eax


mov edx, offset myInteger2

call WriteString

call ReadInt

test eax,eax

jz SecondNum

mov Input2,eax


mov edx, offset szMenu

call WriteString

call ReadChar

# check for addition operation and add input 1 and input 2

.if al=="A"//al=="a",

Call Crlf

mov eax,Total

mov eax, Input1

add eax, Input2

Call WriteInt

Call Crlf

;jmp start

# check for subtraction and subtract input 2 from input 1

.elseif al == "S" // al == "s"

Call Crlf

mov edx, offset myTotal

call WriteString

mov eax, Total

mov eax, Input1

sub eax, Input2

Call WriteInt

Call Crlf

;jmp start

# check for division operation and divide input 1 with input 2

,elseif al == "D" // al == "d"

Call Crlf

mov edx, offset myTotal

call WriteString

mov eax,Total

mov eax, Input1

div eax, Input2

Call WriteInt

Call Crlf

;jmp start

# check for Multplication operation and multiply input 1 and input 2

.elseif al == "M" // al == "m"

Call Crlf

mov edx, offset myTotal

call WriteString

mov eax, Total

mov eax, Input1

mul eax, Input2

Call WriteInt

Call Crlf

;jmp start

# check for operaion E to exit

.elseif al == "E" // al == "e"



mov edx. offset szlnvalidMenu

call WriteString

jmp Menu


call WaitMsg


end Start


main ENDP

END main

these code uses the Irvine32 library,so make you have it in your system.

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