
In: Electrical Engineering

Write an Intel 8085 assembly program to find the largest of N numbers stored in memory...

Write an Intel 8085 assembly program to find the largest of N numbers stored in memory using the algorithm below. Hand trace (execute) the program showing the changes made to all affected registers and memory locations.

Max = a(1)

For i = n to N

If max < a(i) then max = a(i)

Next i


Expert Solution


1) Load the address of the first element of the array in HL pair

2) Move the count to B – reg.

3) Increment the pointer

4) Get the first data in A – reg.

5) Decrement the count.

6) Increment the pointer

7) Compare the content of memory addressed by HL pair with that of A - reg.

8) If Carry = 0, go to step 10 or if Carry = 1 go to step 9

9) Move the content of memory addressed by HL to A – reg.

10) Decrement the count

11) Check for Zero of the count. If ZF = 0, go to step 6, or if ZF = 1 go to next step.

12) Store the largest data in memory.

13) Terminate the program.




                LXI H,4200

Set pointer for array

                MOV B,M

Load the Count

                INX H

Set 1st element as largest data

                MOV A,M

Copy data from register M to accumulator

                DCR B

Decrements the count


Increment of HL pair by 1

                CMP M

f A- reg > M go to AHEAD

                JNC AHEAD

Jump to AHEAD if carry is not = 1


the new Set value as largest


Decrement B

                JNZ LOOP

Repeat comparisons till count = 0

                STA 4300

Repeat comparisons till count = 0


Stop program

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