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JAVA programming- answer prompts as apart of one java assignment Static static variables static methods constants...

JAVA programming- answer prompts as apart of one java assignment


  • static variables
  • static methods
  • constants

Create a class Die representing a die to roll randomly.

☑ Give Die a public final static int FACES, representing how many faces all dice will have for this run of the program.

☑ In a static block, choose a value for FACES that is a randomly chosen from the options 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20.

☑ Give Die an instance variable current, representing the last value it rolled. This cannot be less than 1 or more than FACES

☑ Give Die int instance variables maxCount and minCount. These cannot be negative.

☑ Give Die a method roll that randomly sets current to a value between 1 and FACES. If the die rolls a 1, increase minCount, if the die rolls FACES, increase maxCount.

☑ Give Die a static method sumDice, which takes a variable length parameter list of Dies and returns the sum of all their current values.

☑ Give Die a static method sameDice, which takes a variable length parameter list of Dies, and returns true only if all of them have the same current value. Do not compare the same two dice for equality twice while doing this.

☑ Give Die a static method differentDice, which takes a variable length parameter list of Dies, and returns true only if no two Dies have the same value. Do not compare the same two dice for equality twice while doing this.

☑ Give Die a static method findBest, which takes a variable length parameter list of Dies and returns the Die that has the best maxCount to minCount ratio (hint: does java think 1/2 > 1/4?).

☑ Give Die a static method dieStats which takes two ints, howMany and frequency. In the method, create howmany Dies, and roll them frequency times. At the end, report how often they rolled all the same, how often they rolled all different, the average of their sums, and the best die.


Expert Solution


class Die

// Note: If we changed the class definition to "public class Die"
// then we would put this class definition in a separate file

//  Represents one die (singular of dice) with faces showing values
//  between 1 and 6.

   private final int MAX = 6;  // maximum face value

   private int faceValue;  // current value showing on the die

   //  Constructor: Sets the initial face value.
   public Die()
      faceValue = 1;

   // Alternate Constructor

   public Die(int value)
      faceValue = value;

   //  Rolls the die and returns the result.
   public int roll()
      faceValue = (int)(Math.random() * MAX) + 1;

      return faceValue;

   //  Face value mutator.
   public void setFaceValue (int value)
      faceValue = value;

   //  Face value accessor.
   public int getFaceValue()
      return faceValue;

// Returns a string representation of this die. 
       public String toString() 
             String result = Integer.toString(faceValue); 
             return result; 


public class Dice

   //  Creates two Die objects and rolls them several times.
   public static void main (String[] args)
      Die die1, die2, die3;
      int sum;

      die1 = new Die();
      die2 = new Die();

      System.out.println ("Die One: " + die1 + ", Die Two: " + die2);

// The previous two method calls are sloppy programming practice,
// as the method returns an int which is not "received"
// Better to do  this:

      int x = die1.roll();

// Or

      System.out.println("Die 1 " + die1.roll());

      System.out.println ("Die One: " + die1 + ", Die Two: " + die2);

      sum = die1.getFaceValue() + die2.getFaceValue();
      System.out.println ("Sum: " + sum);

      sum = die1.roll() + die2.roll();
      System.out.println ("Die One: " + die1 + ", Die Two: " + die2);
      System.out.println ("New sum: " + sum);

      die3 = new Die(4);
      System.out.println("Die Three : " + die3.getFaceValue());
      die3 = die2;
      System.out.println("Die Three : " + die3.getFaceValue());

// What happens if we change faceValue to public
// and then do die3.faceValue = 2; System.out.println("Die Two : " + die2.getFaceValue());


public class PairOfDice {

    public int die1;   // Number showing on the first die.

    public int die2;   // Number showing on the second die.



     * Constructor creates a pair of dice and rolls them so that

     * they initially show some random value.


    public PairOfDice() {

        roll(); // Call the roll() method to roll the dice.




     * Roll the dice by setting each die to be a random number between 1 and 6.


    public void roll() {

        die1 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1;

        die2 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1;



} // end class PairOfDice

The Modified PairOfDice Class


      * An object of class PairOfDice represents a pair of dice,

      * where each die shows a number between 1 and 6. The dice

      * can be rolled, which randomizes the numbers showing on the

      * dice.


     public class PairOfDice {


        private int die1;   // Number showing on the first die.

        private int die2;   // Number showing on the second die.


         * Constructor creates a pair of dice and rolls them so that

         * they initially show some random value.


        public PairOfDice() {

            roll(); // Call the roll() method to roll the dice.




         * Roll the dice by setting each die to be a random number between 1 and 6.


        public void roll() {

            die1 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1;

            die2 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1;




         * Return the number showing on the first die.


        public int getDie1() {

           return die1;




         * Set the value of the first die. Throws an IllegalArgumentException

         * if the value is not in the range 1 to 6.


        public void setDie1( int value ) {

           if ( value < 1 || value > 6 )

              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal dice value " + value);

           die1 = value;




         * Return the number showing on the second die.


        public int getDie2() {

           return die2;




         * Set the value of the second die. Throws an IllegalArgumentException

         * if the value is not in the range 1 to 6.


        public void setDie2( int value ) {

           if ( value < 1 || value > 6 )

              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal dice value " + value);

           die2 = value;




         * Return the total showing on the two dice.


        public int getTotal() {

           return die1 + die2;




         * Return a String representation of a pair of dice, where die1

         * and die2 are instance variables containing the numbers that are

         * showing on the two dice.


        public String toString() {

           if (die1 == die2)

              return "double " + die1;


              return die1 + " and " + die2;



     } // end class PairOfDice




The Main Program



      * Rolls a pair of dice until the dice come up snake eyes

      * (with a total value of 2). Counts and reports the

      * number of rolls.


     public class RollFor2 {


        public static void main(String[] args) {


         PairOfDice dice; // A variable that will refer to the dice.

           int rollCount;    // Number of times the dice have been rolled.


           dice = new PairOfDice(); // Create the PairOfDice object.

           rollCount = 0;


           /* Roll the dice until they come up snake eyes. */


           do {


               System.out.println("The dice come up " + dice );


           } while (dice.getTotal() != 2);


           /* Report the number of rolls. */


           System.out.println("\nIt took " + rollCount + " rolls to get a 2.");


           /* Now, generate an exception. */



           System.out.println("This program will now crash with an error");

           System.out.println("when it tries to set the value of a die to 42.");




           System.out.println(dice); // This statement will not be executed!




     } // end class RollFor2

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