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Java Programming Assignment 6-1 We have covered the “Methods” this week. Apply the concepts that we...

Java Programming

Assignment 6-1

We have covered the “Methods” this week. Apply the concepts that we have learnt in class and come up with a “problem scenario” for which you can create a “solution”. Utilize any/all of the examples from the book and class that we discussed. You program should be interactive and you should give a detailed statement about what the “description of the program – purpose and how to use it”. You should also use a “good bye” message. Remember to discuss in your “reflection” the advantage of using “methods” – we discussed “re-usability” and “modularity”. Write detail comments on the program.

You need to include all the following:

Static Methods

Library methods and user written methods

Non Static Methods (Class & Object)

Methods with arguments

Methods without arguments

Conditional statements


For Example: (you could come up with any other program) - use your creativity Welcome to my “multifunction” program.

In this program I have an interactive program to show the use and benefits of “methods” in Java program. You will see a “selection menu” that would allow you to use the program. Choose 1. For your “compound interest calculator” of your “retirement nest” income, 2. For your “Interactive input of Employee attributes and then display of their attributes”, 3. For your…. Thank you for using my “multifunction” program. Have a nice day


Expert Solution

Code is provided below along with comments. Output screenshot is provided in the last. A brief not is given about the program and the Methods. Program fullfills all conditions given in question:- loops,conditional statement,methods,with argument without argument,static methods and library methods.If need any further clarification please ask in comments.


Program Description:

This program ask user to provide three choice .One is to calculate salary and other is to use arithmatic calculator. and last option to exit the program. If user wants to calculate salary they can choose the same. it asks for details for finding salary and then priints the employee info with salary. If user select calculator then it gives a sub menu for different function. If user selects Addition then it promts to enter two numbers and finds addition. similarly for other operations.

Use Of Methods:- methods are used for reusability and modularity. We can use methods again and agin so we dont have to write code again and again . this shows the re usable concept of methods. Similarly we have ease of maintenance of code if we have methods.methods also provide modularity by method overloading. We can use the same name but different functionality. Hence use of methods in programming is a good practice as well as beneficial.



import java.util.Scanner;

public class MyProgram {
        //static method to multiply
        public static double multiply(double x,double y)
                return x*y;
        //static method to add
        public static double add(double x,double y)
                return x+y;
        //static method to subtract
        public static double minus(double x,double y)
                return x-y;
        //static method to divide
        public static double divide(double x,double y)
                return x/y;
        //method for salary calacuation
        public static void employeeCalculator()
                Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
                String name="",id="";
                double wage=0;
                double hours=0;
                double total=0;
                System.out.print("Enter the id of Employee: ");
                id=sc.nextLine(); //read id
                System.out.print("Name of Employee: ");
                name=sc.nextLine(); //read name
                System.out.print("Enter the hourly wage: $");
                System.out.print("Enter number of hours Worked: ");
                hours=sc.nextDouble(); //read hours
                total=multiply(hours,wage); //call multiply method to find salary
                System.out.println("\nEmployee:  "+name+"  ID:  "+id+"  Hours:  "+hours+"  Total Salary:  $"+total);
        //main  method
        public static void main(String args[])
                char choice='0';
                double x=0,y=0;
                Scanner s=new Scanner(; //scanner to take input
                while(choice!='3') //until user wants to use program
                System.out.println("\n----What do you want to Use?----");
                System.out.println("1. Press 1 for Employee Salary Calculator");
                System.out.println("2. Press 2 for using Arithmetic Calculator");
                System.out.println("3. Press any other key to exit");
                if(choice=='1') //if choice is 1
                        employeeCalculator(); //call the method for employee salary
                else if(choice=='2') //if choice is 2
                        //print diffrent options under arithmetic calculator
                        System.out.println("          1. Press A for adding two numbers ");
                        System.out.println("          2. Press B for Subtracting two numbers ");
                        System.out.println("          3. Press C for Multiplying two numbers ");
                        System.out.println("          4. Press D for Dividing two numbers ");
                        System.out.println("          5. Press any other key to go to the main menu ");
                        if(choice=='1' ||choice=='2' ||choice=='3'||choice=='4') //take input if user want to use the calculator
                                System.out.print("\nEnter first number: ");
                                System.out.print("Enter second number: ");
                        if(choice=='1') //for add
                                System.out.println("Addition of "+x+" and "+y+" is: "+add(x, y));
                        if(choice=='2') //for subtract
                                System.out.println("Subtraction of "+x+" and "+y+" is: "+minus(x, y));
                        if(choice=='3') //for multiply
                                System.out.println("Multiplication of "+x+" and "+y+" is: "+multiply(x, y));
                        if(choice=='4') //for division
                                System.out.println("Division of "+x+" and "+y+" is: "+divide(x, y));
                        else //if user wants to go to main menu
                else //if user want to exit the program
                        System.out.println("Thank you For Using the program!!!Have a nice Day!!");
                        s.close(); //closing scanner
                        System.exit(0); //exit



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