
In: Operations Management

A Deep Analysis: The Unavoidable of Meetings Meetings could be a fan-favorite or most-hated. The elements...

A Deep Analysis:

The Unavoidable of Meetings Meetings could be a fan-favorite or most-hated.

The elements of planning, hosting and ensuring a meeting fulfill its overall purpose is a huge and major task. In 250 words, share your thoughts on the following items of consideration:

1. Ensuring a meeting whether virtual, in-person or phone is successful

2. Handling the many personalities and characteristics among the attendees (i.e. those that are quiet, those that talkative, those that are argumentative, those that are routinely late to meetings and those that attempt to high-jack the meeting by taking full control)

3. How do you get everyone involved, engaged and participative

4. The importance of delegation and follow up to ensure delegated tasks are completed

5. Frequency of meetings without going overboard Once your material is posted, be sure to review and comment on at least two of your peers postings. Your initial post to the given topic of discussion should contain a minimum of 2–3 peer-reviewed references.


Expert Solution

The meeting to be successful, one should take care to conduct it perfectly so that whatever the purpose is met. The mode of meeting varies the precaution to be taken like in Telephonic meeting, you voice must be clear, soft and there must not be any other sounds behind you. In Video conferencing meeting, there should not be any contractions distortion between the meeting, clarity of the camera, speed of internet and your gestures matters a lot. While in face to face, eye contact, voice modulations, sense of humour and to make the session entertaining.

Make the whole session open to conversation and focus on all audiences by keeping the eye contact and involve everyone so that none feel bored. Those who are quiet, involve them in written communications or set small group of people and ask them to participate. Those who are talkative will disturb the meeting so make sure to have clear agenda of the meeting so that your focus is not discard. Those who are dominating, involve others and ask questions to them so that all people get the chance to speak. Those who are argumentative, listen to them and give your view as an you are right but other way is also right and speak to others and ask their views.

Create small groups of people and play some games. Some creative games will involve all people and they all start enjoying and you can have access to the crowd all at once in small groups.

In a meeting you can’t do everything at your own, so delegate the task to some of the volunteers and monitor them performing and solve their concerns, if any.

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