
In: Statistics and Probability

CorrelationSPSS Lab A researcher was interesting in the relationship between motivation and depression. She collected data...

CorrelationSPSS Lab

A researcher was interesting in the relationship between motivation and depression. She collected data from 10 participants. All participants completed a standardized motivation questionnaire and depression scale.  The data are in the table below.


Motivation Score

Depression Score
































Select and compute the appropriate statistical test in SPSS.  

1. Open a new data page in SPSS

2. In data view, copy and paste the values from the table (only the motivation and depression scores).

3. Go to variable view and change the column names from VAR000001 and VAR000002 to Motivation and Depression, respectively.

4. Make sure the type says numeric.

5. Go back to data view.

6. Select:




7. Move both depression and motivation over to the variable pane.

8. Make sure Pearson and two-tailed are selected

9. Got to options. Select means and standard deviations and click continue.

10. Click ok. An output window should appear.

11. The output for the correlation is a matrix. The top left corner is Motivation. If you move to the right there should be a 1.  That is showing that motivation is perfectly correlated with itself, r(8) = 1.00, p< 0.001.

12. Now look at the next part of the matrix to the right.   The number should be-0.967. This is the correlation coefficient for our two variables. Also, please note the Sig. level (this is the p value), and N (the number of pairs).

.  What are the means and standard deviations for the variables.

2. What is the correlation coefficient.

3. What is the pvalue. Is it significant?

4. What are the df for this analysis?  (Hint: df = (N – 2))

5.  Explain in words what this correlation means.

6. Write a conclusion in APA style. Please include the means (sd) and describe the relationship. Include the statistic at the end of the sentence (like the example I gave above with motivation correlated with itself).


Expert Solution

After doing what is required from step 1 to 11 we get the following output:

Now we will answer the questions asked form 1 to 5


As we can see the output which have both standard deviation and mean from the descriptive statistics table.


Correlation between motivation and depression is given in 2nd table named correlations.

Correlation between motivation and depression is -0.967


As we can see that p value is given in correlations table named "sig.(2 - tailed)"

S0 p value = 0.000


As we know that if we want to test for correlation between two variables then the test statistic follows t distribution with N-2 df

Here in the question N = 10

So corresponding df is 10 - 2 = 8

So degree of freedoms is 8


Here as we can see that p value corresponding to the test is 0.00 < alpha = 0.05

which implies that here we have enough evidence to reject null hypothesis.

ie., correlation between Motivation and Depression varaible is not zero.

So we can say that Motivation and Depression are highly linearly correlated with each other.

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