In: Statistics and Probability
flies and wasps in land on your dinner plate in the manner of independent poisson with respectives lamda and meu. show that the arrivals of flying objects form a poisson process with intensity lamda + meu
X is a Poisson Distribution with parameter
Y is a Poisson Distribution with parameter
To prove:
Z = X + Y is a Poisson Distribution with parameter
By Theorem:
If X and Y are Independent Discrete Random Variables with Probability Mass Functions px(x) and py (y), then, the Probability Mass Function of
Z = X + Y
is given by:
Using the above Theorem:
The Distribution of Z = X + Y is given by:
The above computation establishes that the sum Z of the two
independent Poisson distributed random variables X and Y with mean
also has Poisson distribution of mean
Thus, we show that the arrivals of flying objects form aPoisson
Processwith intensity