In: Economics
create template Business model canvas and identify Redbull company or home center company in UAE .
( if there are local company in UAE it is great)
corporate and bussies strategy for e- commerce compnay. this bussiness model canves largest E-commerce compnies in global world.
1 Key features partners: shipping compnies such as UPS, Fedx and DHL which provide shipping services for amazon's fullfilment process to ensure timely arrival products.Major retial compnies such as Nike best Buy and Calvin Klein who want to increase their sales by selling on Amazon consequently incresing amazons market presnce as well.
2. Key activites : quick fullfillment process like wise just time in delivery and shipping systemns allowing for amazons prime to deliver orders within 1-2 days. reserach and development stremline and improve effeciency of fullflllment centers and other projects. example ( amazon grab and go stores ) to lower costs.
3. Key resoureces: Shiping services and warehouses and fullfillment center servers for AWS and cloud services.
4. Value propositons: Ecommerce to provide an online shopping platfrom that offers and quickly delivers any item to any person anywhere at any time. Amazon web services.
5. Customer Relationships: The type of interactions your company has with its customers and the level of support it gives. like amazons take care of thier every small aspcets of customer center city satisfaction.
6.Channels mode : Different methods amazons uses to deliver its products and thier services value proposition to customer .