A Solution
Infrastructure requirements for grid Computing:
- Grid Computing:- It is the federation of
computer resources from multiple administrative domains to reach a
common goal.
- "Computational of the grid is a hardware and software
infrastructure that provides independent pervasive and inexpensive
access to high-end computational capabilities".
- Computational Grids are 1. Homogeneous (e.g., Clusters), 2.
Heterogeneous (e.g., with one-of-a-kind instruments)
- Each user A network of geographically distributed resources
including computers, peripherals, switches, instruments, and
- should have a single login account to access all resources.
Resources may be owned by diverse organizations.
- Grid ware can be viewed as a special type of middleware that
enables sharing and manage grid components based on user
requirements and resource attributes (e.g., capacity, performance,
Methods of Grid Computing:
- Distributed Supercomputing:- Combining
multiple high-capacity resources on a computational grid into a
single, virtual distributed supercomputer. Tackle problems that
cannot be solved on a single system
- High-Throughput Computing:-Uses the grid to
schedule large numbers of loosely coupled or independent tasks, to
put unused processor cycles to work
- On-Demand Computing:- Uses grid capabilities
to meet short-term requirements for resources that are not locally
accessible. Models real-time computing demands.
- Collaborative Computing:- Concerned primarily
with enabling and enhancing human-to-human interactions.
Applications are often structured in terms of a virtual shared
- Logistical Networking:- Global scheduling and
optimization of data movement. Contrasts with traditional
networking, which does not explicitly model storage resources in
the network are called Logistical
B Solution
Usage of Globus:-
- Globus is software with components and
capabilities that includes: A set of service Implementations that
Indicate resource management, data alterations service find, and
relevant issue.
- Tools for building web services. Powerful standards-based
security prerequisites for authentication and authorization.
- Various services in java,c, and python for clients of API and
command-line programs.
- It is Architecture to give security to the software Application
that likes information security and Resources