In: Statistics and Probability
Four witnesses, Alice, Bob, Carol, and Dave, at a trial each tell the truth with probability 1/3 independent of each other. In their testimonies, Alice claimed that Bob denied that Carol declared that Dave lied. What is the conditional probability that Dave told the truth?
Given that:-
Four witnesses, Alice, Bob, Carol, and Dave, at a trial each tell the truth with probability 1/3 independent of each other. In their testimonies, Alice claimed that Bob denied that Carol declared that Dave lied.
What is the conditional probability that Dave told the truth?
Writing Alice, if Alice tells truth or Alice^{c} if Alice. tells lie.
The only outcomes that are consistent with Dave telling the truth are
a total probability of
Likewise, the only outcomes that are consistent with Dave lying
a total probability of
Writing S for the given Statement.
The conditional probability that Dave told the truth is 0.3170