
In: Economics

Alice and Bob are playing a game in which each of them has three strategies, A,...

Alice and Bob are playing a game in which each of them has three strategies, A, B, or C.
If their choices do not match (e.g., if Alice picks B and Bob picks C), then no money is
exchanged; otherwise Alice pays Bob $6 (if they both choose A), or $3 (if they both choose
B), or $1 (if they both choose C). Is this a zero-sum game? Find a mixed-strategy Nash
equilibrium for it. Is this the only equilibrium of this game?


Expert Solution

This is a zero sum game.

In mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, both Alice and Bob play A with probability (1/9), B with probability (2/9) and C with probability (6/9).

This is the only Nsh equilibrium of the game.

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