In: Mechanical Engineering
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of isothermal constant volume high extension cycle? And how efficient do you think it can be?
1) Since it is a constant volume process, no expansion occurs, combustion takes place outside of the engine. The engine is easy to balance.
2) It is highly efficient.
3) Since combustion occurs at outside, multiple sources of combustion are possible like fuel, gas, and wood.
4) Environment-friendly and easy to maintain.
1) It is costlier
2) The problems of sealing are difficult to solve as soon as one wishes to have high pressures of operation.
3)Heat transfers with a gas are delicate and often require bulky apparatuses. Heat transfer at constant temperature is difficult.
Yes, It is more efficient than conventional engines. But above are the disadvantages associated with it. hence they are not used widely.