Eight Ways to Build Effective Teams
Match each name with their scenario to one of the methods for
building effective teams that fits best with the example
Graham - For his first team meeting, Graham
bakes and decorates a beautiful batch of Holidays cookies for his
teammates. His boss pulls him aside before the meeting starts and
tell him that he should think about how this will be perceived;
others might think he has too much time on his hands...
What are some potential problems with the top-down and bottom-up
budgeting processes? What are some ways of dealing with these
potential problems? In preparing a budget, what indirect costs
should be considered? Please use a reference.
What are some ways your body regulates the increase of body
temperature that also occurs when exercising? Do you think your
internal body temperature responded in the same way as your
external skin body temperature? Explain.
Describe the ways in which effective IT budgeting is similar to
effective financial planning. What are some of the short-term and
long-term goals and constraints that must be considered?
Discuss different ways to build/strengthen capabilities as well
as examples of companies that have used some of these methods?
there are three approaches to build/strengthen capabilities.
These include, "developing and strengthening capabilities
internally, acquiring capabilities through mergers and
acquisitions, and developing new capabilities via collaborative
partnerships." Developing and strengthening capabilities internally
can include hiring the right sort of people that have the
capability to develop new products in a fast and efficient manner.
If this can't be done internally,...