In: Operations Management
Eight Ways to Build Effective Teams
Match each name with their scenario to one of the methods for building effective teams that fits best with the example
Graham - For his first team meeting, Graham bakes and decorates a beautiful batch of Holidays cookies for his teammates. His boss pulls him aside before the meeting starts and tell him that he should think about how this will be perceived; others might think he has too much time on his hands and doesn’t spend enough time on his work.
Dominique - Dominique focuses on rewarding her entire team’s performance rather than individual team members’ performance.
Carter - Carter meets individually with each of his team members every quarter to review their performance and progress toward their objectives.
Leia - As a team manager, Leia makes a point to avoid speaking unkindly of team members to other team members, and she always sticks up for team members who are treated unfairly.
Javier - Javier hires team members that represent the wide array of diversity in his company’s customer base.
Ki - Ki is careful not to put certain personalities on the same team. For example. Lauryl and Hamad are both extremely solutions-focused and have little tolerance for pleasantries, chit-chat, or other activities that help group members bond. KI usually does not assign them to the same project teams.
Oscar - Oscar Gives team members the freedom to make important decisions on matters such as team deadlines and resource allocation.
Selena - Selena hold say 15-minute informal chat session at the end of each team meeting where all team members are expected to express the things that are bothering them, issues they I'm having with team members, and so on.
Match the name to one of the method for building effective teams its scenario best exemplifies.
1. Collaboration
2. Trust
3. Performance, Goals, & Feedback
4. Motivation through Mutual Accountability & Interdependence
5. Team Composition
6. Roles: How team members are Expected to Behave
7. Norms: Unwritten Rules for Team Members
8. Effective Team Processes
Graham - For his first team meeting, Graham bakes and decorates a beautiful batch of Holidays cookies for his teammates. His boss pulls him aside before the meeting starts and tell him that he should think about how this will be perceived; others might think he has too much time on his hands and doesn’t spend enough time on his work.
(6) Roles: How team members are expected to Behave: The Graham’s celebration was good but also exceeds the normal behavior for such kid of meeting. It is good if team is celebrating any success or birthday. But without any celebration agenda, this kind of decoration is not required.
Dominique - Dominique focuses on rewarding her entire team’s performance rather than individual team members’ performance.
(8) Effective Team Processes: Everybody’s effort is responsible for wining. This way team member develops strong bonding in them and helps to each other for common goal. This is also effective to keep motivated individual for intangible awards like few good words/ sentences.
Carter - Carter meets individually with each of his team members every quarter to review their performance and progress toward their objectives.
(3) Performance, Goals, & Feedback: This is important because feedback for good thing can be given publically but sharing negative feedback for someone in public may lead to demotivate the individual. Also, in separate meetings, preserved/ introvert kind of team mate who cannot speak much in team.
Leia - As a team manager, Leia makes a point to avoid speaking unkindly of team members to other team members, and she always sticks up for team members who are treated unfairly.
(7) Norms: Unwritten Rules for Team Members: So, there is no rules to do so. But to avoid gossiping and non-productive conversations, Leia is asking team not to speak with other members.
Javier - Javier hires team members that represent the wide array of diversity in his company’s customer base.
(1) Collaboration: Javier is trying to celebrate with costumer for their desired outcome. The hiring shall be done on the basis of what the customer needs and how well the new hire will serve the purpose.
Ki - Ki is careful not to put certain personalities on the same team. For example. Lauryl and Hamad are both extremely solutions-focused and have little tolerance for pleasantries, chit-chat, or other activities that help group members bond. KI usually does not assign them to the same project teams.
(5) Team Composition: Putting same kind personality may lead to loss of productivity and effect timely deliveries of job. It may also affect quality of jobs.
Oscar - Oscar Gives team members the freedom to make important decisions on matters such as team deadlines and resource allocation.
(2) Trust: Doing so, Oscar is believing in team’s capabilities and giving them way to improve their skill facing practical situations. (4) Motivation through Mutual Accountability & Interdependence
Selena - Selena hold say 15-minute informal chat session at the end of each team meeting where all team members are expected to express the things that are bothering them, issues they I'm having with team members, and so on.
(4) Motivation through Mutual Accountability & Interdependence: This kind of meeting gives role clarity to team member for every new job and solution for on-going job. This is well-connect to understand daily challenges.