
In: Finance

Format wars such as Blu-ray versus HD have been waged for decades. Give other examples of...

Format wars such as Blu-ray versus HD have been waged for decades. Give other examples of these types of competition and suggest what the firm's management needs

to consider when the firm invests resources related to the new format.


Expert Solution

other examples of these types of competition when there was an introduction of the new technology and adaptation to the new technology was highly resisted. Switching from desktop to laptop and physical operations to video conferencing and other modern and sophisticated technologies.

These types of competitions are always futuristic in nature and management should be highly proactive in order to incorporate the changes into the whole system of the company in order to survive and sustain in the long run because if the company is highly resistant to changes, it can not be able to to adopt to the new world because the business needs are changing very fast and consumer are also demanding high level of adaptation from the business and if the business is not able to incorporate those changing environment into its overall structure, the business will not be likely to survive in the long run.

Management needs to consider the profitability in the long run and it also need to consider the employee turnover ratio along with the new potential customer target whenwhen such new technologies are adapted into the whole system of the company.

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