In: Economics
Describe how wars have been used to drive increased global legislation/policy and globalism? Can wars be purposefully used to achieve certain international goals?
When war takes place, then nations align in different groups so that they support each other. While doing so, they form common platform and bring out set of rules and regulations that promote trade and cooperation among these nations. It brings the globalism that continues even after the war is over and becomes the basis for further expansion and elaboration in terms of global legislation and policy initiatives. So, it is the war that led to the development of necessity of globalism and made nations to form an international platform that facilitate globally standardized rules and regulations.
Yes, it can be said that war is used purposefully to achieve certain goals. The first international goal to achieve is the fueling the growth of arms and ammunition industry as its demand increases with the war. For example, USA fed Iran and Iraq both with arms and ammunition while both nations were in war against each other. The second international goal is to get more bragging rights in domestic affairs and international trade. Again, it is the USA with an army built and supported by different nations, fought war against Iraq when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Once the USA won the war, it dictated the policy in both of these nations. It helped USA to get its international goals achieved.