Financial markets mainly divided into 3 parts.
- Capital Market
- Money Market
- Foreign Exchange Market
1. Capital Market:- It is a market
for long term securities. Here 'securities' mean
tradeable financial assets and long term mean it has a maturity
period of more than 1 year. This capital market is
also divided into 2 parts,
a) Primary Market:- It is the market for the
new issue. It is called IPO or Initial Public
b) Secondary Market:- After issuing, stocks are
traded by stock brokers. This market is called the secondary
market. The stock exchange is a secondary market.
Instruments of the capital market are followed,
- Fixed income
securities:- This types of securities have a fixed return
after the maturity period. Like Bonds, Debentures and Preference
Shares. Bonds are debt security. It is issued by
the government. Government raises capital by issuing bonds in the
market. Individuals and organizations buy these bonds. Bonds have a
coupon rate(interest rate) written on it. In the USA they are
generally having face value $1000 or $100. That means anyone can
buy multiple of this amount. They generally pay yearly or
half-yearly. Debentures are the same as Bonds, but
these are issued by companies. That's why these are having a risk
amount attach with it. Preference shares are
hybrid securities. These are having both debt and equity
characteristics. Preference share carries a fixed rate of
- Equity Shares:-
Equity shares represent ownership in an organization. Equity
shareholders are the ultimate risk bearer in an organization. When
there are having a net income, first preference shareholders will
get their fixed rate; after whatever left, it will go to the
shareholders as a dividend. They don't have a fixed amount of
return. Many times organizations don't give a dividend, they keep
it for future proceeding.
- Mutual Fund Units:-
These are investment institutions. They collect money from
individuals by issuing mutual fund units and invest those in the
market. When they get a return, pays a dividend to the mutual fund
- Derivative
Securities:- It is a contract between two parties with an
underlying asset. Two very popular derivatives are Future contracts
and Options Contracts. A future contract is an agreement between
two parties to exchange a specified asset at a specified date and
price. In an option contract, there is a legal right to
buy(Call) or sell(Put) an asset at a specified
date and price.
2. Money Market:- It is a market for short term
securities. The 'short term' means the maturity of
less than 1 year. This market is hugely used by
companies to meet their working capital finance. When there is a
short term deficit or surplus, organizations used to borrow or
invest in this market. Here the risk is very less. Some important
instruments of the money market are -
- Treasury Bills (Issued by governments for short term capital
- Commercial Papers (Issued by top private organizations with
higher credit rating)
- Certificate of Deposit (Promissory note issued by the
3. Foreign Exchange Market:- This is
a market where participants buy, sell and exchange currencies of
different countries. Participants of this market are Traders,
Banks, MNCs, Foreign exchange brokers, central banks etc.