In: Biology
describe how the various types of protozoans move, and give an example of each type
According to the type of locomotion, protozoa are classified into 4 different categories
1. Sporozoans- these are nonmotile and are parasitic in nature. the sporozoan are subdivided into Apicomplexa, microsporidia, Ascetosporea, and Myxosporidea. Sporozoans are intracellular parasites. Example-Plasmodium vivax.
2. Amoeboid- This is a type of protozoa that can continuously change shape by extending and retracting its false pods called pseudopods. They can be found in soil or in water. They ingest food by phagocytosis which they perform by extending the pseudopods to engulf the prey. They do not possess a mouth. Example-Amoeba proteus
3. Flagellates- These protozoa have a flagella or whip-like organelle for locomotion. They can stay solitary or in a colony. They can also be parasitic or free living and can be heterotrophs or autographs. Flagellates have two subdivision phytomastigophorea(have chlorophyll) and zoomastigophorea. Example of a flagellate protozoa is Trypanosoma brucei.
4. Ciliates- they possess a hair-like organelle called cilia, which help in swimming, crawling, attaching, feeding, and sensation. They are heterotrophs and move the food inside with the help of the cilia to their mouth. Some ciliates can be parasites and some ca even feed on other ciliates. They are classified into stalked, free-swimming, and crawling ciliates. Example of ciliate- Paramecium caudatum.