At what point do the curves r1(t) = t, 3 − t, 35 + t2 and...

At what point do the curves r1(t) = t, 3 − t, 35 + t2 and r2(s) = 7 − s, s − 4, s2 intersect? (x, y, z) = Find their angle of intersection, θ, correct to the nearest degree. θ = °

In: Advanced Math

Consider G = (Z12, +). Let H = {0, 3, 6, 9}. a. Show that H...

Consider G = (Z12, +). Let H = {0, 3, 6, 9}.

a. Show that H is a subgroup of G.

b. Find all the cosets of H in G and denote this set by G/H. [Note: If x ∈ G then H +12 [x]12 = {[h + x]12?? | [h]12 ∈ H} is the coset generated by x.]

c. For H +12 [x]12, H +12 [y]12 ∈ G/H define (H+12[x]12)⊕(H+12[y]12) by(H+12 [x]12)⊕(H+12 [y]12)=H+12 [x+y]12.

d. Show that ⊕ is well defined and construct the addition table for G/H with the operation ⊕.

In: Advanced Math

find the projection vector of the vector v = (2,3,5) onto the plane z = 2x...

find the projection vector of the vector v = (2,3,5) onto the plane z = 2x + 3y -1

In: Advanced Math

Second order Differential equation: Find the general solution to [ y'' + 6y' +8y = 3e^(-2x)...

Second order Differential equation:

Find the general solution to [ y'' + 6y' +8y = 3e^(-2x) + 2x ] using annihilators method and undetermined coeficients.

In: Advanced Math

*PLEASE SHOW ALL WORK* Consider a damped, forced mass/spring system. Let t denote time (in seconds)...


Consider a damped, forced mass/spring system. Let t denote time (in seconds) and let x(t) denote the position (in meters) of the mass at time t, with x = 0 corresponding to the equilibrium position. Suppose the mass m = 1 kg, the damping constant c = 3 N·s/m, the spring constant k = 2 N/m, the external force is F (t) = 20 cos(2t), the initial position

x(0) = 1 m, and the initial velocity x′(0) = 2 m/s. a. Find the position function x(t).

b. What part of the solution is the transient part and what part is the steady-state part?

In: Advanced Math

1. For an m x n matrix A, the Column Space of A is a subspace...

1. For an m x n matrix A, the Column Space of A is a subspace of what vector space?

2. For an m x n matrix A, the Null Space of A is a subspace of what vector space?

In: Advanced Math

What purpose does Medea find for myth (= story telling) in the Medea of Euripides?

What purpose does Medea find for myth (= story telling) in the Medea of Euripides?

In: Advanced Math

Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find the complete solutions of the following differential equations....

Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find the complete solutions of the following differential equations.

d2y/dx2 − 3 dy/dx + 2y = 2x2 + ex + 2xex + 4e3x .

In: Advanced Math

Given the curve −→r (t) = <sin3 (t), cos3 (t),sin2 (t)> for 0 ≤ t ≤...

Given the curve −→r (t) = <sin3 (t), cos3 (t),sin2 (t)> for 0 ≤ t ≤ π/2 find the unit tangent vector, unit normal vector, and the curvature.

In: Advanced Math

Another model for a growth function for a limited population is given by the Gompertz function,...

Another model for a growth function for a limited population is given by the Gompertz function, which is a solution to the differential equation


where c is a constant and K is the carrying capacity. Answer the following questions

1. Solve the differential equation with a constant c=0.15, carrying capacity K=3000, and initial population P0=1000

Answer: P(t)=?

2. With c=0.15, K=3000, and Po=1000, find limt→∞P(t).


In: Advanced Math

Find the periodic payment R required to amortize a loan of P dollars over t years...

Find the periodic payment R required to amortize a loan of P dollars over t years with interest charged at the rate of r%/year compounded m times a year. (Round your answer to the nearest cent.)

a. P = 50,000, r = 4, t = 15, m = 4

b. P = 90,000, r = 3.5, t = 17, m = 12'

c. P = 120,000, r = 5.5, t = 29, m = 4

In: Advanced Math

A cup of hot coffee has a temperature of 201˚F when freshly poured, and is left...

A cup of hot coffee has a temperature of 201˚F when freshly poured, and is left in a room at 72˚F. One minute later the coffee has cooled to 191˚F.

a. Assume that Newton's Law of cooling applies. Write down an initial value problem that models the temperature of the coffee.

u'= -k(_____)

u(o)= _____

b. Determine when the coffee reaches a temperature of 183˚F. Give answer in minutes, and round the answer to two decimal places.

In: Advanced Math

3. Consider4 the homogenous linear second order differential equation y′′ − 2y′ + y = 0...

3. Consider4 the homogenous linear second order differential equation
y′′ − 2y′ + y = 0 (⋆)
(a) Verify that the function y = e^x is a solution of equation (⋆) on the interval (−∞, ∞).
(b) Verify that the function y = xex is a solution of equation (⋆) on the interval (−∞, ∞).
(c) Verify that y = 7e^x + (5xe)^x is a solution of equation (⋆) on the interval (−∞, ∞).
(d) Assume that c and d are any two fixed real numbers. Verify that the function y = (ce)^x + d(xe)^x
is a solution of equation (⋆) on the interval (−∞, ∞).
Note that your answer in part (d) is the most general. Indeed, as was done in question 2(f), show that all results in parts (a) through (c) are immediate consequences of the general result in (d), by using suitable values of the constants c and d.
That is, fill in the blanks below:
Part (a) follows from (d) using the constants c = part (b) follows from (d) using the constants c = part (c) follows from (d) using the constants c =
and d = , and d = , and d = ,
(f) Show that the two solution function y = e^x and y = xe^x are not constant multiples of each other.
(g) The significance of part (f) is that together with parts (a) and (b) it implies5 that the general solution of equation (⋆) has the form
y = ce^x+ (dxe)^x for any constants c and d.
(h) Use the general solution in part (g) to solve the initial value problem y′′ − 2y′ + y = 0
with initial conditions y(0) = 7 and y′(0) = 4.

In: Advanced Math

Solve the following linear equations with constant coefficients, using characteristic equations and undetermined coefficients as needed....

Solve the following linear equations with constant coefficients, using characteristic equations and undetermined coefficients as needed.

y''+4y'-12y=x+e^2x y(0)=1,y'(0)=2

In: Advanced Math

Use the truth-tree decision procedure (relying on Proof Tools or pen/pencil and paper) to determine whether...

Use the truth-tree decision procedure (relying on Proof Tools or pen/pencil and paper) to determine whether P→Q,Q⊨P is deductively valid.

In: Advanced Math