use euclidean algorithm to find integers m,n such that 1693m+2019n=1

use euclidean algorithm to find integers m,n such that 1693m+2019n=1

In: Advanced Math

Suppose there are two lakes located on a stream. Clean water flows into the first lake,...

Suppose there are two lakes located on a stream. Clean water flows into the first
lake, then the water from the first lake flows into the second lake, and then water from the second
lake flows further downstream. The in and out flow from each lake is 500 liters per hour. The first
lake contains 100 thousand liters of water and the second lake contains 200 thousand liters of water.
A truck with 500 kg of toxic substance crashes into the first lake. Assume that the water is being
continually mixed perfectly by the stream.

a) Find the concentration of toxic substance as a function of time in both lakes.
b) When will the concentration in the first lake be below 0.001 kg per liter?
c) When will the concentration in the second lake be maximal?

In: Advanced Math

A girl who has two siblings is chosen at random and the number X of her...

A girl who has two siblings is chosen at random and the number X of her sisters is counted. Describe how to simulate an observation on X based on U ∼ unif[0, 1] in Matlab.

In: Advanced Math

Explain the difference between the actual definition of a Riemann Integral of function f on the...

Explain the difference between the actual definition of a Riemann Integral of function f on the interval [a,b] and the conclusion of the FTOC Part 2.(Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Part 2)

In: Advanced Math

This problem is an example of critically damped harmonic motion.

This problem is an example of critically damped harmonic motion. A mass m=6kg is attached to both a spring with spring constant k=96N/m and a dash-pot with damping constant c=48N⋅s/m . The ball is started in motion with initial position x0=5m and initial velocity v0=−24m/s . Determine the position function x(t) in meters. x(t)= Graph the function x(t) . Now assume the mass is set in motion with the same initial position and velocity, but with the dashpot disconnected ( so c=0 ). Solve the resulting differential equation to find the position function u(t). In this case the position function u(t) can be written as u(t)=C0cos(ω0t−α0). Determine C0, ω0 and α0. C0= ω0= α0= (assume 0≤α0<2π ) Finally, graph both function x(t) and u(t) in the same window to illustrate the effect of damping.

In: Advanced Math

For each of the following problems show the fully augmented problem and simplex table solution, Also,...

For each of the following problems show the fully augmented problem and simplex table solution, Also, show which extreme points are feasible and identify the optimal solution.

a) Maximize 12?$ + 18?' subject to 6?$ + 5?' ≤ 60

?$+3?' ≤15 ?$ ≤9

?' ≤4 ?$,?' ≥0


Minimize 3.5?$ − 2.5?' s.t. ?$ − 0.5?' ≥ 2

10?$ + 3?' ≤ 30 0.5?$ + ?' ≥ 5

?$,?' ≥ 0

In: Advanced Math

Check whether the following families of functions of t are linearly independent or not (a) t^2...

Check whether the following families of functions of t are linearly independent or not

(a) t^2 + 1, 2t, 4(t + 1)^2

(b) sin(t) cos(t), sin(2t) + cos(2t), cos(2t)

(c) e^2t , e^-2t , 2e^t

(d) 2e^t , 3 cosh(t), 13 sinh(t)

(e) 1/((t^2)-1) , 1/(t + 1), 1/(t-1)

In: Advanced Math

Suppose A is an mxn matrix of real numbers and x in an nx1 column vector....

Suppose A is an mxn matrix of real numbers and x in an nx1 column vector.

a.) suppose Ax=0. Show that ATAx=0.

b.)Suppose ATAx=0. show Ax=0.

c.) by part a and b, we can conclude that Nul(A) = Nul(ATA), and thus dim(Nul A) = dim(Nul(ATA)), and thus nullity(A) = nullity(ATA). prove the columns of A are linearly independent iff ATA is invertible.

In: Advanced Math

The following matrix is the augmented matrix for a system of linear equations. A = 1...

The following matrix is the augmented matrix for a system of linear equations. A =

1 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 3 3
0 0 0 1 1
2 2 0 5 5

(a) Write down the linear system of equations whose augmented matrix is A.

(b) Find the reduced echelon form of A.

(c) In the reduced echelon form of A, mark the pivot positions.

(d) Does the system have no solutions, exactly one solution or infinitely many solutions? Justify your answer

In: Advanced Math

Suppose a hospital has 100 winen who are tested postive for HPV virus. Select a simple...

Suppose a hospital has 100 winen who are tested postive for HPV virus. Select a simple random sample of size three (SRS of n=3) from the hospital population of women who are HPV positive by wntering the table if random digits (TABLE A) in line 34?
A) 1.061, 025, 048, 016
B) 2.06,16, 24
D) 4.061,624,025

In: Advanced Math

Show that the sequence an = (−1)^n doesn’t converge to 1 nor −1. Can it converge...

Show that the sequence an = (−1)^n doesn’t converge to 1 nor −1. Can it converge to anything other than 1 and −1?

In: Advanced Math

we are given n chips which may be working or defective. A working chip behaves as...

we are given n chips which may be working or defective. A working chip behaves as follows: if we connect it to another chip, the original chip will correctly output whether the new connected chip is working or is defective. However, if we connect a defective chip to another chip, it may output any arbitrary answer (defective---->might say the other one is working /defective).

In the class, we saw that if strictly more than half the chips are working, then there is an algorithm that finds a working chip using O(n) tests.

1) Prove that even when we only have a single working chip and a single defective chip (i.e.,n = 2), there is no algorithm that can find the working chip in general.

In: Advanced Math

Let (Z, N, +, ·) be an ordered integral domain. Let {x1, x2, . . ....

Let (Z, N, +, ·) be an ordered integral domain. Let {x1, x2, . . . , xn} be a subset of Z. Prove there exists an i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n such that xi ≥ xj for all 1 ≤ j ≤ n. Prove that Z is an infinite set. (Remark: How do you tell if a set is infinite??)

In: Advanced Math

Find the Laplace transform of d2y/dt2

Find the Laplace transform of d2y/dt2

In: Advanced Math

i) A set of 4 6-tuples (“sextuplets”) is linearly independent: (always), (never), (sometimes). ii) A set...

i) A set of 4 6-tuples (“sextuplets”) is linearly independent: (always), (never), (sometimes). ii) A set of 6 4-tuples (“quadruplets”) is linearly independent: (always), (never), (sometimes). iii) A set of 4 equations with 6 unknown variables which is consistent has a unique solution: (always), (never), (sometimes). iv) A set of 4 equations with 6 unknown variables is inconsistent: (always), (never), (sometimes) v) A set of homogeneous equations is inconsistent: (always), (never), (sometimes) vi) The solution to a set of homogeneous equations is unique: (always), (never), (sometimes)

In: Advanced Math