A tank initially contains 150 gal of brine in which 20lb of salt are dissolved. A...

A tank initially contains 150 gal of brine in which 20lb of salt are dissolved. A brine containing 3 ​lb/gal of salt runs into the tank at the rate of 4 gal/min.The mixture is kept uniform by stirring and flows out of the tank at the rate of 3 gal/min. Let y represent the amount of salt at time t. Complete parts a through e.

a. At what rate​ (pounds per​ minute) does salt enter the tank at time​ t?

b. What is the volume of brine in the tank at time​ t?

c. At what rate​ (pounds per​ minute) does salt leave the tank at time​ t?

d.Write down and solve the initial value problem describing the mixing process. What is the solution to the initial value​ problem?

e. Find the concentration of salt in the tank 28 min after the process starts.

In: Advanced Math

Let R and S be equivalence relations on a set X. Which of the following are...

Let R and S be equivalence relations on a set X. Which of the following are necessarily equivalence relations?

(1)R ∩ S

(2)R \ S .

Please show me the proof. Thanks!

In: Advanced Math

Use the elimination method to find a general solution for the given linear​ system, where differentiation...

Use the elimination method to find a general solution for the given linear​ system, where differentiation is with respect to t.



In: Advanced Math

How can Singular Value Decomposition be used on image compression and its limitation?

How can Singular Value Decomposition be used on image compression and its limitation?

In: Advanced Math

Let A = | 0.4 −0.3 | | 0.4 1.2 | Analyze the long-term behavior of...

Let A =

| 0.4 −0.3 |

| 0.4 1.2 |

Analyze the long-term behavior of Ak , i.e., lim k→+∞ Ak .

In: Advanced Math

Consider the following function ?(?) = ?^ 4+ 2? ^3 + 8?^ 2+ 5? With the...

Consider the following function ?(?) = ?^ 4+ 2? ^3 + 8?^ 2+ 5? With the initial guesses of ?1 = −2, ?2 = −1, and ?3 = 1, find the minimum of the given function using parabolic interpolation. Perform five iterations, reporting Ɛa based on the location of the minimum (i.e. xopt) and not the actual minimum value. (Round the final answer to four decimal places.)

In: Advanced Math

Show that {a + b√3 | a, b ∈ Q} is a field (a subfield of...

Show that {a + b√3 | a, b ∈ Q} is a field (a subfield of the field R), but {a + b√3 | a, b ∈ Z} is not a field.

In: Advanced Math

An element a in a field F is called a primitive nth root of unity if...

An element a in a field F is called a primitive nth root of unity if n is the smallest positive integer such that an=1. For example, i is a primitive 4th root of unity in C, whereas -1 is not a primitive 4th root of unity (even though (-1)4=1).

(a) Find all primitive 4th roots of unity in F5

(b) Find all primitive 3rd roots of unity in F7

(c) Find all primitive 6th roots of unity in F7

(d) Use Lagrange's Theorem to prove that if n does not divide p-1, then Fp contains no nth roots of unity. [In fact, the converse is true: If n divides p-1, then Fp contains a (primitive) pth root of unity. We will prove this later.]

In: Advanced Math

Prove that {f(x) ∈ F(R, R) : f(0) = 0} is a subspace of F(R, R)....

Prove that {f(x) ∈ F(R, R) : f(0) = 0} is a subspace of F(R, R). Explain why {f(x) : f(0) = 1} is not.

In: Advanced Math

Let S be a non-empty set (finite or otherwise) and Σ the group of permutations on...

Let S be a non-empty set (finite or otherwise) and Σ the group of permutations on S. Suppose ∼ is an equivalence relation on S. Prove (a) {ρ ∈ Σ : x ∼ ρ(x) (∀x ∈ S)} is a subgroup of Σ. (b) The elements ρ ∈ Σ for which, for every x and y in S, ρ(x) ∼ ρ(y) if and only if x ∼ y is a subgroup of Σ.

In: Advanced Math

7. Suppose Bob has the public key (n, e) = (21733, 691). You are Eve, and...

7. Suppose Bob has the public key (n, e) = (21733, 691). You are Eve, and you have intercepted the ciphertext C = 21012. On a whim, you decide to check whether C and n are relatively prime, and to your delight, you discover that they are not! Show how you can use this to recover the plaintext M.

Note: The chance that M (or equivalently C) is not relatively prime to the modulus n is1/p + 1 /q− 1/pq , and when p, q are both larger than 100 digits long, this probability is less than 10^−99! So although this is a vulnerability that one should be aware of, in practice it doesn’t cause issues very often.

In: Advanced Math

A study was conducted to determine whether a new drug, nomasbesos, was effective in preventing the...

A study was conducted to determine whether a new drug, nomasbesos, was effective in preventing the swollen spleen that often occurs when a person has a mononucleosis (mono) infection. Individuals with mono were randomly selected to either receive nomasbesos or a placebo treatment. Among the 315 who received the nomasbesos, 35 developed swollen spleens. Among the 275 individuals who received the placebo, 92 developed swollen spleens. Go out to 3 decimal points for all your calculations and then round to 2 decimal points for your final answer. The answers are below for your studying purposes.

Complete the 2x2 for the study. Be SURE to indicate precisely what your treatment and outcome are and complete all applicable cells.

Swollen spleen

No swollen spleen


Nomasbesos (treatment)



1. What kind of study design (specifically) was used? How do you know?

2. What is the appropriate measure of association?

3. Calculate the value of the appropriate measure of association. Show all your work.

4. What does the calculated association mean in words?

In: Advanced Math

Adirondack Savings Bank (ASB) has $1 million in new funds that must be allocated to home...

Adirondack Savings Bank (ASB) has $1 million in new funds that must be allocated to home loans, personal loans, and automobile loans. The annual rates of return for the three types of loans are 5% for home loans, 13% for personal loans, and 8% for automobile loans. The bank’s planning committee has decided that at least 40% of the new funds must be allocated to home loans. In addition, the planning committee has specified that the amount allocated to personal loans cannot exceed 60% of the amount allocated to automobile loans.

(a) Formulate a linear programming model that can be used to determine the amount of funds ASB should allocate to each type of loan to maximize the total annual return for the new funds. If the constant is "1" it must be entered in the box. If your answer is zero enter “0”.
Let H = amount allocated to home loans
P = amount allocated to personal loans
A = amount allocated to automobile loans
Max H + P   + A
H    + P + A Minimum Home Loans
H + P + A Personal Loan Requirement
H +   P + A = Amount of New Funds
(b) How much should be allocated to each type of loan?
Loan type Allocation
Home $
Personal $
Automobile $
What is the total annual return?
If required, round your answer to nearest whole dollar amount.
What is the annual percentage return?
If required, round your answer to two decimal places.
(d) Suppose the total amount of new funds available is increased by $10,000. What effect would this have on the total annual return? Explain.
If required, round your answer to nearest whole dollar amount.
An increase of $10,000 to the total amount of funds available would increase the total annual return by $ .
(e) Assume that ASB has the original $1 million in new funds available and that the planning committee has agreed to relax the requirement that at least 40% of the new funds must be allocated to home loans by 1%. How much would the annual return change?
If required, round your answer to nearest whole dollar amount.
How much would the annual percentage return change?
If required, round your answer to two decimal places.

In: Advanced Math

Suppose a water tower in an earthquake acts as a mass-spring system. Assume that the container...

Suppose a water tower in an earthquake acts as a mass-spring system. Assume that the container on top is full and the water does not move around. The container then acts as a mass and the support as a spring, where the induced vibrations are horizontal. Suppose that the container with water has a mass of m = 10, 000 kg. It takes a force of 1000 Newtons to displace the container 1 m. For simplicity assume no friction. When the earthquake hits, the water tower is at rest (not moving). Suppose the earthquake induces an external force F(t) = A cos(ωt)

Find the solution to the Initial Value Problem

In: Advanced Math

An element a in a ring R is called nilpotent if there exists an n such...

An element a in a ring R is called nilpotent if there exists an n such that an = 0.

(a) Find a non-zero nilpotent element in M2(Z).

(b) Let R be a ring and assume a, b ∈ R have at = 0 and bm = 0 for some positive integers t and m. Find an n so that (a + b)n = 0. (You just need to find any n that will work, not the smallest!)

(c) Show that the set of nilpotent elements in a commutative ring R forms a subring of R.

(d) Does this subring from the previous question contain a unity?

(e) Are the Gaussian integers from an earlier question an integral domain? Explain your answer.

In: Advanced Math