Let R be a commutative ring with identity with the property that
every ideal in R is principal. Prove that every homomorphic image
of R has the same property.
An element a in a field F is called a primitive
nth root of unity if n is the smallest positive
integer such that an=1. For example, i is a primitive
4th root of unity in C, whereas -1 is not a primitive 4th root of
unity (even though (-1)4=1).
(a) Find all primitive 4th roots of unity in F5
(b) Find all primitive 3rd roots of unity in F7
(c) Find all primitive 6th roots of unity in F7...
Let R and S be commutative rings with unity. (a) Let I be an
ideal of R and let J be an ideal of S. Prove that I × J = {(a, b) |
a ∈ I, b ∈ J} is an ideal of R × S. (b) (Harder!) Let L be any
ideal of R × S. Prove that there exists an ideal I of R and an
ideal J of S such that L = I × J.
Problem 1. Suppose that R is a commutative ring with addition
“+” and
multiplication “·”, and that I a subset of R is an ideal in R. In
other words, suppose
that I is a subring of R such that
(x is in I and y is in R) implies x · y is in I.
Define the relation “~” on R by y ~ x if and only if y − x is in
I, and assume for the...
say R1, R2,...., Rn are
commutative rings with unity. Show that U(R1 +
R2 +.... + Rn) = U( R1) +
U(R2)+ .... U(Rn). Where U - is the units of
the ring.