Consider the following problem. max ? 0.5?1 + 2.5?2 + ?3 subject to ?1 + 2?2...

Consider the following problem. max ? 0.5?1 + 2.5?2 + ?3 subject to ?1 + 2?2 + 3?3 ≤ 8 ?1, ?2, ?3 ∈ ℤ + ∪ {0} Solve the problem by dynamic programming. Show each step clearly.

In: Advanced Math

     Explain the importance of error analysis in numerical methods with suitable example.      Out of...

  1.      Explain the importance of error analysis in numerical methods with suitable example.
  2.      Out of Bisection method and secant method which one is better and why? Solve one application based problem using that method.
  3.      Use Newton-Raphson Method to find the root of trigonometric function correct up to seven decimal places. (Trigonometric function should be complex)
  4.      Solve one problem which is based on the application of Interpolation.
  5.      Using numerical differentiation solve one application based problem. (Use central difference approximation and problem must include first order as well as second order derivatives)
  6.     Out of Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd rule which one is better explain in detail. Also solve one application based problem using that rule. Compare the exact and approximate result to compute the relative errore

its solve once but I need different answer please

a quick please I'm in trouble

In: Advanced Math

2) Let v, w, and x be vectors in Rn. a) If v is the zero...

2) Let v, w, and x be vectors in Rn.
a) If v is the zero vector, what geometric object represents all linear
combinations of v?
b) Same question as a), except now for a nonzero v.
c) Same question as a) except now for nonzero vectors v and w (be care-
d) Same question as a) except now for nonzero vectors v, w, and x (be
extra careful!).

In: Advanced Math

Report on this topic Design filtering Content included... Abstract Introduction Principles Code design Result and discussion...

Report on this topic Design filtering

Content included...




Code design

Result and discussion



In: Advanced Math

i. Identify the conic whose equation is 11x2 + 24 xy + 4y2 − 15 =...

i. Identify the conic whose equation is 11x2 + 24 xy + 4y2 − 15 = 0 by rotating the axes to place the conic in standard position.

ii. Find the angle θ through which you rotated the xy-axes in part (a).

In: Advanced Math

0~9 is put in circle , proof that if we choose 3 number the total sum...

0~9 is put in circle , proof that if we choose 3 number the total sum is bigger than 14
use pigeonhole principle

please explain in detail thanks

Arrange 0-9 on the circular table
There is a section where the sum of three adjacent numbers must be 14 or more

In: Advanced Math

Write a Matlab script-file probl1.m to execute the requested commands (as much as possible) in the...

Write a Matlab script-file probl1.m to execute the requested commands (as much as possible) in the exercises below. Increase N a number of times according to N = 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, . . . (1) Determine for each N the (exact) error. (2) Determine for N ≥ 16 also the convergence ratio q(h/2).

This script should be based on a function-file trap.m (trapezoidal integration) as follows:

function [totarea] = trap(N)

format long;

a = 0; b = 1/2; h = (b-a)/N;

x = a:h:b; totarea = 0;

for i = 1:N

xl = x(i);

xr = x(i+1);

fxl = myfunct(xl);

fxr = myfunct(xr);

locarea = (h/2)*(fxl+fxr);

totarea = totarea + locarea;



You can refer to the integral as myfunct(). The interval is [0,1/2].

In: Advanced Math

A field is a commutative ring with unity in which every nonzero element is a unit....

A field is a commutative ring with unity in which every nonzero element is a unit.

Question: Show that Z_5 under addition and multiplication mod 5 is a field. (state the operations, identities, inverses)

In: Advanced Math

Obtain an estimate for the value of e by approximating the solution of the following initial...

Obtain an estimate for the value of e by approximating the solution of the following initial value problem at t = 1

y'=y     y0=1    

Use a step size of 0.25. Apply Euler’s Method, the Midpoint Method, and the Improved Euler’s Method in order to approximate the solution to this problem. Calculate the absolute relative true percent error using seven significant figures. Calculate this error for each method and only for the last iteration.

In: Advanced Math

Which of the following statements is/are true? 1) If a matrix has 0 as an eigenvalue,...

Which of the following statements is/are true?

1) If a matrix has 0 as an eigenvalue, then it is not invertible.

2) A matrix with its entries as real numbers cannot have a non-real eigenvalue.

3) Any nonzero vector will serve as an eigenvector for the identity matrix.

In: Advanced Math

1. Sketch a connected 2-dimensional complex with three 2-cells, 8 1- cells, and 5 0-cells. Draw...

1. Sketch a connected 2-dimensional complex with three 2-cells, 8 1- cells, and 5 0-cells.

  1. Draw three examples of a connected 1-dimensional complex with 7 0-cells and 6 1-cells.

  2. Sketch a connected 1-dimensional complex with 7 0-cells and 7 1-cells.

  3. Sketch a connected 1-dimensional complex with 7 0-cells and 8 1-cells.

  4. Is it possible to construct a connected 1-dimensional complex with 8 0-cells and 6 1-cells? Explain.

In: Advanced Math

T:R ->R3 T(x, y, z) = (2x + 5y − 3z, 4x + y − 5z,...

T:R ->R3 T(x, y, z) = (2x + 5y − 3z, 4x + y − 5z, x − 2y − z) (a) Find the matrix representing this transformation with respect to the standard basis. (b) Find the kernel of T, and a basis for it. (c) Find the range of T, and a basis for it.

In: Advanced Math

Let X be the set of all subsets of R whose complement is a finite set...

Let X be the set of all subsets of R whose complement is a finite set in R:

X = {O ⊂ R | R − O is finite} ∪ {∅}

a) Show that T is a topological structure no R.

b) Prove that (R, X) is connected.

c) Prove that (R, X) is compact.

In: Advanced Math

1. The equation of the line with an x-intercept of 33 and a y-intercept of 44...

1. The equation of the line with an x-intercept of 33 and a y-intercept of 44 can be written in the form y=mx+b where
the number m is:    
the number b is:    

Enter each answer as a reduced fraction (like 5/3, not 10/6) or as an integer (like 4 or -2).

2. You have filled your car with a full tank of gas, and could travel 485 miles. For every 17 miles you drive, you use 1 gallon of gass (17 miles per gallon).

Please write an equation in slope-intercept form to model this situation. Please use m for the the miles you've traveled, and g for the gallons of gas you use.    

In: Advanced Math

The displacement of an object in a spring-mass system in free damped oscillation is: 2y''+12y'+26y=0 and...

The displacement of an object in a spring-mass system in free damped oscillation is:

2y''+12y'+26y=0 and has solution: y1 =−5e^(−3t)*cos(2t−0.5π)

if the motion is under-damped.

If we apply an impulse of the form f(t) = αδ(t−τ) then the differential equation becomes :

2y''+12y'+26y=αδ(t−τ) and has solution y =−5e^(−3t)cos(2t−0.5π)+αu(t−τ)w(t−τ) where w(t) = L(^−1)*(1/(2s^2+12s+26))

a. When should the impulse be applied? In other words what is the value of τ so that y1(τ) =0 . Pick the positive time closest to t = 0

b. What intensity should the impulse be so that the object is in equilibrium for t > τ (i.e. what should the value of α be so that y(t)=0 for t>τ ).

c. Write up your work for this problem including the inverse transform needed to write out w(t) and the completed form of the impulse function f(t)   

In: Advanced Math