For p a given prime number, define the p-adic norm | * |p as follows on...

For p a given prime number, define the p-adic norm | * |p as follows on Q: Given q in Q, we can write it as a product q = (p^m)(a/b) with a,b integers which are not divisible by p, and m an integer which is uniquely determined by q (check that m is indeed uniquely determined by q). Then define |q|p = p^(-m).

Check that Q with distance dp(q1,q2) = |q1 - q2|p is a metric space (here q1-q2 just means the usual operation of subtraction in Q). Show moreover
that |q1 + q2|p <= max(|q1|p, |q2|p).

In: Advanced Math

Finally, consider the following fixed point iteration xk+1 = g(xk) = arccos −1 1 + e...

Finally, consider the following fixed point iteration xk+1 = g(xk) = arccos −1 1 + e 2x and show that finding a fixed point of g(x) is equivalent to finding a root of f(x) = 0. Use the code fixedpt.m to try to approximate the root using an initial guess of x0 = −3. Can you explain why your iteration behaves as it does? Hint: Plot the fixed-point function and think convergence!

Code in fixedpt.m:-

function [xfinal, niter, xlist] = fixedpt( gfunc, xguess, tol )
% FIXEDPT: Fixed point iteration for x=gfunc(x).
%  Sample usage:
%     [xfinal, niter, xlist] = fixedpt( gfunc, xguess, tol )
%  Input:
%     gfunc   - fixed point function 
%     xguess  - initial guess at the fixed point
%     tol     - convergence tolerance (OPTIONAL, defaults to 1e-6)
%  Output:
%     xfinal  - final estimate of the fixed point
%     niter   - number of iterations to convergence
%     xlist   - list of interates, an array of length 'niter'

% First, do some error checking on parameters.
if nargin < 2
  fprintf( 1, 'FIXEDPT: must be called with at least two arguments' );
  error( 'Usage:  [xfinal, niter, xlist] = fixedpt( gfunc, xguess, [tol] )' );
if nargin < 3, tol = 1e-6; end

% fcnchk(...) allows a string function to be sent as a parameter, and
% coverts it to the correct type to allow evaluation by feval().
gfunc = fcnchk(gfunc);
x = xguess;
xlist = [ x ];

niter = 0;
done  = 0;
while ~done,
  xnew  = feval(gfunc,  x);
  xlist = [ xlist; xnew ];  % create a list of x-values 
  niter = niter + 1;
  if abs(x-xnew) < tol,     % stopping tolerance for x only
    done = 1;
  x = xnew;
xfinal = xnew;

In: Advanced Math

show that if I is uncountable,then 2I is not metrizable. hint: Suppose I as index set.

show that if I is uncountable,then 2I is not metrizable.

hint: Suppose I as index set.

In: Advanced Math

3-How can digital signal processing affect the quality of sound?

3-How can digital signal processing affect the quality of sound?

In: Advanced Math

U(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) = C1∙C2∙C3∙C4∙C5 As a mathematical function, does U have a maximum...

U(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) = C1∙C2∙C3∙C4∙C5

As a mathematical function, does U have a maximum or minimum value? What values of Ci correspond to the minimum value of U? What values of Ci correspond to the maximum value of U? Do these values of Ci make sense from an economic standpoint?

Now let us connect the idea of economic utility to actual dollar values. To keep the values more manageable, we will use household income rather than the entire state budget, and retail costs and measures rather than industrial ones. Find the Median Household Income for Mesa, AZ for the most recent year possible. Then find the dollar cost in Mesa, AZ for a Penny, a pound of Ground Beef, a pair of Jeans, fresh Orange Juice, and a Movie Ticket. (Entertainment is often used as a stand-in for Climate.) A Cost-of- Living Index is a good place to find much of this data. Record these prices as P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 respectively.

Construct an equation using Median Income, the Ci and Pi values that illustrates how much of each resource the Median Household can afford to purchase. Given this restriction, do the maximum or minimum values of U change? Do the values of Ci that give the maximum or minimum values change? What are these new values? How should the Median Household budget its Income so as to maximize its Economic Utility?

Write up your findings in a paper that you could turn in to an employer. Be sure to show all your work. Include any appropriate references as well as any computational devices used.

* Solve the questions, make the table, and the graph.

In: Advanced Math

Let Kn denote the simple graph on n vertices. (a) Let v be some vertex of...

Let Kn denote the simple graph on n vertices.
(a) Let v be some vertex of Kn and consider K n − v, the graph obtained by deleting
v. Prove that K n − v is isomorphic to K n−1 .
(b) Use mathematical induction on n to prove the following statement:
K n , the complete graph on n vertices, has n(n-1)/2

In: Advanced Math

Water is boiled in a cup and its placed in a room that is 25 degrees...

Water is boiled in a cup and its placed in a room that is 25 degrees Celsius. Assume that Newton's Law of Cooling is satisfied: the rate of change in water temperature is proportional to the difference between the temperature of the water and the temperature of the environment. We take the water temperature after 7 minutes and find it to be 77 degrees Celsius. Establish and solve an initial value problem to express the temperature of the water as a function of time, graph this function and calculate when the water temperature reaches 26 degrees Celsius.

In: Advanced Math

According to a survey, 16% of U.S. adults with online services currently read e-books. Assume that...

According to a survey, 16% of U.S. adults with online services currently read e-books. Assume that this percentage is true for the current population of U.S. adults with online services. Find to 4 decimal places the probability that in a random sample of 600 U.S. adults with online services, the number who read e-books is

a. exactly 86.

Probability = Entry field with correct answer

b. at most 119.

Probability = Entry field with correct answer

c. 71 to 97.

Probability =

In: Advanced Math

The town hall of a city wants to open some recreational centers. It has been analyzed...

The town hall of a city wants to open some recreational centers. It has been analyzed 3 options. The opening cost and the capacity of each center are listed below.













The selected recreational centers must be hosting the students from 5 schools. In the table below is summarized the number of students at each school.













Each school must be assigned to only one recreational center. And the capacity of each center must be respected. What are the recreational centers that must be open in order to minimize the opening cost?

Illustrate the greedy procedure with the following data:















































In: Advanced Math

(Modern Algebra) Show that if G is a finite group that has at most one subgroup...

(Modern Algebra) Show that if G is a finite group that has at most one subgroup for each
divisor of its order then G is cyclical.

In: Advanced Math

Evaluate if the followings are Cauchy sequences or not. (a) an= (-1)n (b) an= (-1)n/n (c)...

Evaluate if the followings are Cauchy sequences or not.

(a) an= (-1)n

(b) an= (-1)n/n

(c) an = n/(n+1)

(d) an = (cos n)/n

In: Advanced Math

Solve using Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms. Y’’’-y’’-4y’+4y=0 y(0)=1 y’(0)=9 y’’(0)=1

Solve using Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms.


y(0)=1 y’(0)=9 y’’(0)=1

In: Advanced Math

the cost of common equity financing is more difficult to estimate than the costs of debt...

the cost of common equity financing is more difficult to estimate than the costs of debt anf preferred equity. explain why? Also key issues in calculation of cost of equity and cost of debt.

In: Advanced Math

Question1 (50 pts): LU Factorization Code for Square Matrices without Row Exchange I want you to...

Question1 (50 pts): LU Factorization Code for Square Matrices without Row Exchange

I want you to write an LU decomposition program in Matlab for square matrices (n×n) where row exchange is not necessary (that is no pivot is 0). Here are some hints and requirements for your matlab code.

  1. You should write comments for every procedure. Make sure that your code is well indexed (see below). Otherwise it will be hard for me to follow and bad programming practice for you.

  2. This should be a Matlab Function called slu (don’t name it lu because matlab already has a program called lu):

  3. Your program should be a function in Matlab. So your filename should be slu.m (.m is standard for matlab scripts or functions). In order to be a function you should start with

    function [L,U]=slu=slu(A)

    where A is the input square matrix. Always write what a program does using matlab

comment (%) so that it

  1. First step is to determine the size of the matrix. Use size command to obtain the size of a matrix.


  2. Then if n is not equal to m end the program. If n=m continue

  3. So your code should look like this

    function [L,U]=slu=slu(A)
    %LU factorization of square matrices %with no row exchange
    [n,n]=size(A) %determine the size of A Tol=1.e-6 %tolerance level for zero

    for k=1:n %loop over pivots of A if(A(k,k) < tol) %check for pivot

    disp(‘cannot proceed without row exchange’) end %cannot proceed without row exchange L(k,k)=1;

for i=k+1:n %loop over each line to determine lik determine lik

for j=k:n start from row k+1 and col. k remove (pivot row×Lik) from each row of A


for j=k:n
write the pivot line to Ubecause pivot is fixed

end end

due 23/10/2019

Question2(50 pts): Solving matrix equation using LU

Next step is to solve the equation using substitution. So you will need to do the standard procedure for LU. First step is to solve Ly=b. And next is to solve Ux=y. For Ly=b you need to go from top to bottom, but for Ux=y you need to go from bottom xn to x1. This function will use slu function so you need to be on the same directory. Name your file “luslv.m”.

Function x=luslv(A,b)
%Solve Ax=b using L&U from slu(A) %No row exchanges

[L,U]=slu(A) %first decompose A to LU

First do a for loop from k=1:n and another for loop for j=1:k-1 and sum the contributions to b(k) from yk-1, yk-2...y1.

Then y(k)=b(k)-s %forward elim. To solve Ly=b

Then solve Ux=y. You need to start from n and go to 1. In matlab you can do it

for k=n:-1:1 %go backwards from n to 1
Sum up contributions from xk+1, xk+2...xn.

Remove the sum from y(k) and divide by the pivot

In: Advanced Math

1). Differentiate d/dx ( |arccscx| ) 2. Differentiate d/dx ( arccsc|x|) 2a). For arccsc|x|, proof that...

1). Differentiate d/dx ( |arccscx| )

2. Differentiate d/dx ( arccsc|x|)

2a). For arccsc|x|, proof that x=-1 is not differentiatable using left,right hand derivative.
(by first principal)

In: Advanced Math