
In: Chemistry

What are some pros and cons of a pH probe for titration? A indicator for titration?

What are some pros and cons of a pH probe for titration? A indicator for titration?


Expert Solution

Advantages of using pH meter:

1. pH meter is more accurate and precise as compared to normal titration using indicators.

2. This process is faster, and easy to use, while in other titration, the process is slower.

3. Impurity of the indicator can also hinder the accurate results.

4. Added indicators also disturb the actual pH of the system, thus it may give wrong results if used in excess.

5. Indicators can give different colours, which can alter the actual end point reading, while in pH meter, the readings are accurate.

6. pH meters are not disposable, as pH strips or indicator solutions. You have to buy solutions again and again but in case of pH meter, once bought you can measure as many readings as you want.

7. Little pH changes can also be measured, but in case of indicators, there should be appreciable difference in pH to change it's color.

8. Indicator just gives an idea of the pH, not the actual value, which can be given by pH meter.


1. pH meter is costlier as compared to indicators.

2. You need to calibrate the pH meter after certain usage. Ideally, you should calibrate it before every experiment. But in case of indicator titration, calibration is not needed.

3. Contamination by even air can cause problems to the cell. Thus, it has to be stored with much care.

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