
In: Economics

please compared between Facebook and snapchat in term of those factors Porter's five forces / 1...

please compared between Facebook and snapchat in term of those factors

Porter's five forces /

1 Entry barriers

2Threat of substitute

3 Rivalry

4 buyer power

5 supplier power


Expert Solution

facebook snapchat
Entry Barrier
  • Facebook is in competition with a variety

of social networks such as google plus, Tumblr, twitter

and Linkedin.

  • Demographic appeal of Facebook is different.
  • Many young people prefer Instagram  or it's rival snapchat.
  • Professional may prefer Linkedin,twitter and fb pages.

Low time and cost of entry

Snapchat's feature can be easily copied

Minimal technology protection.

Threat of substitute

Facebook has an enormous user base, but social networking as a whole is very vulnerable to new technologies and shifting trends. If social networking becomes unfashionable, Facebook will lose many of those current participants.

Facebook has been king, but all it takes is one new entrant that beats the odds.

The risk here is moderately low – for now.

New entrants are less likely to enter a dynamic industry where the established players such as Snap Inc. keep defining the standards regularly.

It significantly reduces the window of extraordinary profits for the new firms thus discourage new players in the industry.

Privacy and convenience.

Rivalry The world of smartphone applications and platforms is fairly inexpensive to enter, so the threat of new entrants is definitely present.

strong emotional appeal

constantly updated filters

situation specific snaps.

Brand loyalty

Buyer power

Facebook’s customers have quite a fair amount of bargaining power.

After all, Facebook is free to use, so it does not cost anything for a user to switch networks – and social media platforms are not exclusive.

158 millions of daily active users.

low switching cost = high pressure

Supplier power

Facebook's suppliers also have bargaining power. Suppliers in this sense include everyone from the people who build and maintain their servers to the software that runs Facebook's different social media platforms.

Facebook is large enough and powerful enough that supplier bargaining power is less of an issue than it may be for a smaller company, but that does not mean the issue is completely negated.

Suppliers in dominant position can decrease the margins Snap Inc. can earn in the market.

The overall impact of higher supplier bargaining power is that it lowers the overall profitability of Internet Software & Services.

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