In: Finance
“Fiduciary responsibility is arguably the most important feature of financial services marketing”. Critically review this statement.
Fiduciary responsibility is important feature of financial service marketing as Financial service marketing is about managing of the money of other individuals and there is high degree of trust which is required in order to attract money from other individuals because this is related to managing of the others money and there needs to be a high degree of responsibility which needs to manage Assets of another individual.
When there will be a high degree of judiciary responsibility in respect to the financial marketing, it will be helpful in gaining the trust of the investors and it will be helpful in attracting them to let the business invest their money into the market and financial services should be taking proper care and making proper investments as it will be helpful in getting the trust of investors and hence it can be said that financial services should always be trying to maintain high degree of ethical standard which will be helpful in maintaining the fiduciary responsibility and following with the required regulation.