In: Physics
2. Precautions taken by assistant circular when applying the Drounding pads:
a) He must take care of the size of grounding pads. the size of grounding pads must be around 69 cm2/ 10 inch2. Never fold the grounding pad to fit the size.
b) the application site must not be the dirty, wetty and excess hair. because excess of hair cause the electrosurgical burns.
c) Never allow fluids to pool at the site of the application.
3. Dangers of the Surgical plume:
Surgical plume creates many problem with the heakth system, some most dangers from surgical plume are:
a) it cause the asthma or asthma like symtomes.
b) it cause the irriatation in the throat, nose and eyes.
c) it also cause the problems like cough and headache.
Prevention from the surgical smokes:
a) we should use appropiate evacuation system. such as Central Evacuation system and Mobile Evacuation system. where we use ULPA (Ultra Low- Particulate Air) and HEPA (High Efficiency particular Air).
b) we should use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Kit in area where danger of Surgical plume is more.