
In: Statistics and Probability

A researcher is looking at the relationships between age and the number of instances of shoplifting....

A researcher is looking at the relationships between age and the number of instances of shoplifting. Use the data below to establish hypotheses and calculate the correlation for the relationship between age and shoplifting. State and explain your decision with regard to whether the H0 is ultimately rejected or accepted.

Age (X)

Number of Times Shoplifted (Y)




















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Null and alternative hypothesis are

H0: = 0 vs H1 :    0

n = 9

X Y XY X^2 Y^2
18 12 216 324 144
20 10 200 400 100
18 10 180 324 100
19 11 209 361 121
40 4 160 1600 16
30 3 90 900 9
27 3 81 729 9
21 8 168 441 64
19 7 133 361 49
Sum 212 68 1437 5440 612

Putting values

r = -0.787

Now ,

n = 9

df = n - 2 = 9 - 2 = 7

Take = 0.05

Using the critical value table for Pearson correlation coefficient, (two tailed )

Critical value are  0.666

r = -0.787

| r | = | -0.787| = 0.787

r >  0.666

reject H0

significance correlation.

YES , there is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a linear correlation between the two​ variables.

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