
In: Biology

6. At which stage(s) of meiosis does the following occur? 1. Replication? ______________________________________ 2. Crossing over?...

6. At which stage(s) of meiosis does the following occur?

1. Replication? ______________________________________

2. Crossing over? ______________________________________

3. Random assortment? ______________________________________

4. Separation of bivalents? ______________________________________

5. Separation of sister chromatids? ______________________________________

6. Transition from diploid to haploid? ______________________________________


Expert Solution

Answer :-

1. Replication occurs at the S phase or synthesis phase of the interphase. During S phase the amount of DNA gets doubled through replication.

2. Crossing over occurs in the pachytene stage of prophase 1. It is the phase of genetic recombination. Crossing over occurs by the process of synapsis.

3. The random assortment occur at prophase 1, where crossing over takes place and at metaphase 1, where homologous chromosomes are aligned at metaphase plate.

4. Separation of bivalents starts at pachytene (prophase 1) but gets completed at diplotene (prophase 1). Separation occurs by the terminalization of the chiasmata (point where chromosomes remain in contact).

5. Separation of sister chromatids occurs at anaphase 2 stage. The sister chromatids are pulled towards opposite pole from the metaphase plate.

6. Transition from diploid to haploid occurs at the meiosis 1. After the first cytokinesis daughter cells are considered haploid. Meiosis 1 is reductional division whereas meiosis 2 is equaltional division.

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