
In: Economics

what are ten recommendations to the Government as to the development of the Vernamfield Aerotropolis?

what are ten recommendations to the Government as to the development of the Vernamfield Aerotropolis?


Expert Solution

The project , Vernamfield Aerotropolis mainly involves the development of lands which was occupied by the army at the earlier times for housing purposes.Not only that it also provide many services such as logistics, maintenance and MRO services etc.A training schools for aeronauticals are also provided .

The ten recommendations to the government for the development of Vernamfield Aerotropolis are the following:

  • The government should involve in the development of Vernamfield Aerotropolis by providing a good amount of money as loan for low interest.
  • By reducing Debt to GDP ratio will also helps a lot in the development of vernamfield Aerotropolis. It will mainly help to reduce the burden of debt to a great extend.
  • A good amount of interest should be taken by the government from the overseas investors in order to attain a better development.
  • Government should provide loans at low interest rates inorder to do many services like maintenance, for improving transportation facilities etc
  • Proper monitoring should be done regularly by the government for the smooth functioning.
  • Inorder to progress or to develop vernamfield Aerotropolic government should involve some policies as well as proper measures should be taken.
  • Ensure the safety during the development. The development should be sustainable which means use the resourceses only for the need not for the greed and also preserve it for the future generation.
  • They should secure the liability claims.
  • To improve the transportation facilities the government should improve the modes of transportation.
  • The government should invest money inorder to improve the old runways as well as taxi ways.

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