In: Biology
Please describe site-directed mutagenesis.
Heritable change in DNA is known as mutation. Generally mutations are random but if you creat mutation at a specific part of DNA its known as site directed mutagenesis. This is used in various research projects to study effect of specific mutation on protein function or some other functions. Manipulations done in site directed mutagenesis are deletion, insertion or substitution.
Basic procedure involves site directed mutagenesis has been described below
First requirement is reynthesis of a short DNA primer with desired mutation . This primer is complementary to the template DNA around the mutation site . Due to the complementary this primer hybridize with the DNA in the gene of interest. mutations may bs of different type depends of interest single base change , multiple base changes, insertion or deletion. The single-strand primer after anbeal to the template strand is then extended using a DNA polymerase. Thus gene copied contains the mutated site, later this gene is cloned and introduced into host cell . Finally, by sequencing methods mutants are selected which contain the desired mutation.