In: Operations Management
The objective function
The objective function of every LP issue is communicated as far as decison factors to upgrade the rule of optimality, for example, profit,cost ,income, separation .as a rule structure it is spoken to as
Optimization(maximize or minimize) z=cx1+c2x2+...+cn where Z is the proportion of execution variable which functionof x1,x2,...xn Quantities c1,c2, are the parameters that speak to the commitment of a unit of the particular factors x1,x2,...xn to proportion of execution Z.The optimal estimation of the given objective is acquired by the graphical or simplex strategy.
Optimal solution :
An ideal solution is supposed to be an elective solution or approach that best fits the circumstance. It helps in utilizing assets in a best and effective way, thereby yielding the most elevated and most ideal returns.
The constraint:
There are consistently sure limitaions on the utilization of assets eg:labour,raw materials, space,money that limit the degreee to which objective can be acheived such constraints must be communicated as direct equities and disparities regarding choice factors . the solution of a LP must satsify these constraints.
The feasible solution:
The arrangement of estimations of choice variablez xj(j=1,2,.....n)that fulfill all the constrsints and non - antagonism states of aobjective function LP issue all the while is said to consitute the feasible solution to that LP probelm.
Binding constraint:
A constraint is binding when theLHS and RHS of the constraints are equivalent at the ideal solution other savvy its is non-binding constraint.
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