
In: Mechanical Engineering

Your task is to take the below code, and insert comments (using the “%” symbol) next...

Your task is to take the below code, and insert comments (using the “%” symbol) next to each line of code to make sure that you know what every line does.

close all
NMax = 100;
partialSum = 0;
exactAnswer = pi^2;

for k=1:NMax
partialSum = partialSum + 6/k^2;
percentDiff(k) = abs(partialSum - exactAnswer)/exactAnswer*100;

NVector = [1:NMax];
ylabel('% Difference');


Expert Solution



close all

NMax = 100; % maximum number upto which difference between exact answer and partial sum is compared

partialSum = 0; % starting value of partial sum

exactAnswer = pi^2; % answer against which partial sum is compared

for k=1:NMax % k will go from 1 to Nmax with increment of 1

partialSum = partialSum + 6/k^2; % formula to calculate partial sum

percentDiff(k) = abs(partialSum - exactAnswer)/exactAnswer*100; % '% difference between partal sum and exact answer'


NVector = [1:NMax]; % vectror created to plot

plot(NVector,percentDiff); % plotting Nvector on x axis and difference on y axis

xlabel('{{Noob}}'); % label of x axis

ylabel('% Difference'); % label of y axis

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