In: Finance
Was 10-year Treasury bond called Treasury Bill, Note, or Bond? |
Treasury Notes |
Treasury bills issued , for a period of less than one year. |
Treasury Notes are issued to run 2,3,5,7 or 10 years |
Treasury Bonds are issued with terms running over 30 years. |
What was the term ... that indicates the situation in which the yield of Treasury bonds sharply decreases because U.S. Treasury bonds are the safest assets? |
Investors' wary perception about the general economy, leads them to take less risk & hence go in for more government securities, thus pushes up prices which lowers the treasury yields. |
What is the meaning of finance? Is it not a gamble to earn more money using some seed money? |
Financing is structuring(composition) the capital structure of any business---in start-up stage or a grown one, for further expansion--- or even for working capital loans. |
Sometimes, the financing party participates in the ownership of the business. More often , the latter lends money for earning interest income , for lending the money for usage, within the fixed time-frame. |
It ultimately depens on the agreement reached between the lender & the borrower. If done in a transparent & genuine manner, the lender should be able to assess, the purpose for which his money is sought after, how it is going to be utilised, under what terms of return for him(interest on loans or dividends from sahres), time with which it is going to be returned(if debt), etc. |
Earning money , by doing business , is not a gamble--but a well thought-out venture ,backed professional exepertise----small such ventures go to make an eocnomy of a country --- which even banks & the government are encouraging to set-up ---with loans or industrial parks---- giving so many concessions , etc. |
So, financing shoild not be seen as akin to gamble ---where the probability of the outcome is very very uncertain----but as a means of investing the affordable surplus , to earn money for self as well as helping those with all other empowerments, except money, to do their bit to uplift the economy. |