1) White
Dwarfs :
Remnant cores of
stars with M < 8 M(sun)
Held up by Electron Degeneracy Pressure.
- Mass < 1.4 M(sun)
- Radius ~ Rearth (<0.02 Rsun)
- Density ~ 105-6 g/cc
- No nuclear fusion or gravitational contraction
Evolution of White Dwarfs
White dwarfs only shine by leftover heat.
- No energy source (no fusion, nothing)
- Cools off and fades away slowly.
Ultimate State: A "Black Dwarf":
- Old, cold white dwarf
- Takes ~ 10 Tyr to cool off
- Galaxy is not old enough to see Black Dwarfs.
2) Neutron
Stars :
Remnant cores of massive stars:
- 8 < M* <18 Msun (??)
- Leftover core of a core-bounce supernova
Held up by Neutron
Degeneracy Pressure:
- Mass ~ 1.2 - 2 Msun
- Radius ~ 10 km
- Density ~ 1014 g/cc
Structure of a Neutron Star
At densities > 2x1014 g/cc:
- nuclei melt into a sea of subatomic particles.
- protons & electrons combine into neutrons.
Surface is cooler: Solid, crystalline crust.
Inside is exotic matter: superfluid neutrons, superconducting

Surface of a
Neutron Star
* Surface gravity ~1011 g's
- Escape velocity ~0.5 c
- Temperature ~ 1 Million K
- Magnetic Field Strength ~ 1012 Gauss (Earth is ~0.5
- Rotation Rate: 6000 rpm (100 rotations/second)
Mcore > 2-3 Msun
(original star had M > 18 Msun)
- Neutron degeneracy pressure fails.
- Nothing can stop gravitational collapse.
- Collapses to zero
radius and infinite
The core becomes a Black