
In: Computer Science

In java design and code a class named comparableTriangle that extends Triangle and implements Comparable. Implement...

In java design and code a class named comparableTriangle that extends Triangle and implements Comparable. Implement the compareTo method to compare the triangles on the basis of similarity.

Draw the UML diagram for your classes.

Write a Driver class (class which instantiates the comparableTriangle objects) to determine if two instances of ComparableTriangle objects are similar (sample output below). It should prompt the user to enter the 3 sides of each triangle and then display whether or not the are similar triangle. (25 points)

Triangle Similarity: With the Triangle class we have already built, one that uses only side lengths, not angles, in its constructor, there is only one way we can check for similarity: side-side-side similarity. The definition of side-side-side similaritry is:

If all the sides of a triangle are proportional to the corresponding sides of another triangle then the triangles are said to be similar.

in other words: (Triangle1 side1 / Triangle2 side 1) = (Triangle1 side2 / Triangle2 side2) = (Triangle1 side3 / Triangle2 side3)


Expert Solution

Java code and screen short of output and Uml diagram shown below

import java.util.*;
class Triangle //super class
double side1,side2,side3;
class comparableTriangle extends Triangle implements Comparable<comparableTriangle>{
//subclass of Triangle that implement Comparable intefrface
comparableTriangle(double side1,double side2,double side3){//constructor that initialize variable
public int compareTo(comparableTriangle ct)//return 1 if both triangle are similar
if((side1/ct.side1)==(side2/ct.side2)&&(side2/ct.side2)==(side3/ct.side3)) //similarity checking
return 1;
return 0;
public class Main//main class that read user input
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   double side1,side2,side3;
   Scanner input = new Scanner (; //reading input using Scanner class
   System.out.println("Enter three sides of first triangle:");//reading first triangle
   side1 = input.nextDouble();
   side2 = input.nextDouble();
   side3 = input.nextDouble();
   //first object created and calling constructor with values of sides
   comparableTriangle c1=new comparableTriangle(side1,side2,side3);
   System.out.println("Enter three sides of second triangle:");//reading second triangle
   side1 = input.nextDouble();
   side2 = input.nextDouble();
   side3 = input.nextDouble();
   //second object created and calling constructor with values of sides
comparableTriangle c2=new comparableTriangle(side1,side2,side3);   

if(c2.compareTo(c1)==1)//similarity checking
System.out.println("Triangles are similar");
System.out.println("Triangles are not similar");


Enter three sides of first triangle:
14 15 16
Enter three sides of second triangle:
14 15 16
Triangles are similar

Enter three sides of first triangle:
14 18 16
Enter three sides of second triangle:
14 15 16
Triangles are not similar

screen short of ouput

Uml diagram shown below

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