In: Statistics and Probability
Please find an example online (unique example) of a statistical presentation and critique it. Specifically, what is it telling you? Is it possible the data is being represented in a way to make you think in a certain direction? If so, how? If not, what areas in the presentation could be improved upon? Write a brief report (2-3 paragraphs) as if you were a consultant.
This analysis is done over python about customer behaviour
I will add pics of analysis-
here we have graphical analysis of the data-
so what I think here in additional that -
1) I can find the correlation between varibales which are of intrest and will find how they are correlated
2) using statistical inference i can check many hypothesis constructed for the data for example i can check weather the two group have same income .
3) next I can use regression analysis to predict about how customer will engage for the offers(i.e for example example regression line fitted between higher age group people and offer 1)
4) also one of the best thing that is variation i will check variation in each group i.e (e.g if mean purchasing power is good but high variation then that purchasing power will not be good)
Report of
this analysis -
As we can notice,High Policy Age Segment has higher engagement than the Low PolicyAge Segment. This suggests that those customers who have been insured by this company longer respondbetter. Moreover,the High Policy Ageand Low CLV segment has the highest engagement rate among the four segments.
By creating different customer segments based on customer attributes, we can better understand how different groups of customers behave differently, and consequently, use this information to customize the marketing messagges.
Engagement Rates by Customer Segments Policy Age Segment High Low Engagement Rate(%) High Low CLV Segment
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