
In: Computer Science

(Dimension the following html application describe positioning, dimensions of and color of all of the section...

(Dimension the following html application describe positioning, dimensions of and color of all of the section elements. ( ONLY DESCRIBE THE SECTION ELEMENTS IN DETAIL)

For A) Everything as given in the HTML and CSS with section height 675 excluded ( commented out as given)

  1. With the section height of 675 uncommented ( included)



    <meta charset="utf-8">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="square12.css">

  <title>Squarespace layout</title>






      <!-- main paragraph -->


      <!-- Two column-type things -->

      <div id="flex-container">

        <div class="col"></div>

        <div class="col"></div>

        <div class="col"></div>

        <div class="col"></div>







body {

  margin: 0;


nav {

  background-color: royalblue;

  height: 75px;


header {

  background-color: lightskyblue;

  height: 400px;


section {

  background-color: orange;

  margin: 75px 100px;

/* height:675px; */



footer {

  background-color: black;

  height: 100px;


p {

  background-color: khaki;

  height: 275px;

  margin-bottom: 75px;


div.col { background-color: tomato;

  border: 2px solid black;


#flex-container{ height:300px;



Expert Solution

The height of nav element is 75px.

The height of the header element is 400px.

The height of the section element is not mentioned, but when we mentioned the height of the section element then the height of the section element is changing i.e change the height of section element to 1000px then you can see the extra space is added to the bottom of background color orange.

The height of the footer element is 100px.

The height of p tag is 275px.

The height of all the div with class col is 50px.

and the height of the main div with class flex container is 300px.

So the summary is as you change the height of the pixel from one value to another you see some difference.

You can see it by simply changing the height of one element at a time, and then see the output.

Below I am adding the image of the output when I change the height of the section element to 1000px.

If youneed more help then please comment below so that I can help you more.

Thank you...

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