In: Finance
Foreign Exchange
USD/NOK (Norway) 10.30
USD/HKD (Hong Kong) 7.75
NZD/USD (New Zealand) 0.62
USD/KRW (Korea) 1210
Use the above currency exchange rates for problems 1-3 below.
1. If you convert 100 Norwegian Krona (NOK) into New Zealand Dollars (NZD), how many NZD would you have? (3)
2. How many Norwegian Krona (NOK) does it take to buy 100 Hong Kong Dollars? (3)
3. One ounce of gold costs $1700 US. One ounce of gold also costs 2,000,000 Korean Won (KRW). Describe the steps to earn a riskless profit using these prices and the currency rates above. (3)
First we need to understand what these exchange rates mean:
USD/NOK (Norway) 10.30 means that USD1 = NOK 10.30
USD/HKD (Hong Kong) 7.75 means that USD1 = HKD 7.75
NZD/USD (New Zealand) 0.62 means that NZD1 = USD 0.62
USD/KRW (Korea) 1210 means that USD1 = KRW 1210
No we can answer the questions
NOK 10.30 = USD 1
Therefore, NOK 1 = USD 1/10.30
And NOK 100 = USD 100/10.30
USD 0.62 = NZD 1
Therefore, USD 1= NZD 1/0.62
And USD 100/10.30 = NZD 100/10.30 x 1/0.62
So NOK 100 = NZD 15.6593
2. USD1 = HKD 7.75
Therefore, USD 1/7.75 = HKD 1
And USD 100/7.75 = HKD 100
USD1 = NOK 10.30
Therefore USD 100/7.75 = NOK 10.30 x 100/7.75
So, USD 100/7.75 = NOK 132.9032
Which means HKD 100 = NOK 132.9032
So it will take NOK 132.9032 to buy HKD 100
3. We are given
So arbitrage profit can be achived by following the below steps: