
In: Mechanical Engineering

Describe the main operating principle of the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique for analyzing the internal structure...

Describe the main operating principle of the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique for analyzing the internal structure of powders and bulk solid samples. Use figures to illustrate your answer.

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Expert Solution

X rays are electromagnetic radiation having high energy abd wavelengths comparable to atomic spacings. with Diffraction occures when a wave (X ray here) encountering a regularly spaced obstacles (atoms in powder or solids here) and spacings comparable to X ray waves(atomic spacing).

Consider two plane of atoms A-a and B-b with same miller indices separated by an interesting spacing if dhkl. WWhen iimpinimpingedimpinge by a monochromatic in phase X rays two rays are scattered as shown below.

High intensity peaks are observed for some crystallographic planes which are material specific. Diffraction pattern will be different based on the crystal structure.

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